Getting downloaded content to work
I was searching for some Cyclorama backgrounds and I found some nice ones on ShareCG. That was the easy part. I extracred the files in a directory tree and I put the downloaded background directory in the MyLibrary directory. I then had Studio scan for new files. Studio sees the jpg files but the duf file accompaning the jpg file are not seen by Studio. I am running Windows 7 and Studio 4.10.
The directory structure is:
Documents => DAZ 3D => Studio => My Library => Backgrounds
=> My Library => Environments => Landscapes => Backgrounds => (duf files)
=> Runtime => Textures => JT => Backgrounds => (Jpg files)
When I try to open the duf file I get the following error from Studio
Some assets needed to load the file were missing. The content ma\y noy work as expected. The folllowing files could not be found.
data/daz 3d/mpcyc/multiplanne cyclorama/blmpcyc_1163.dsf
Have you installed the full version of the Multi Plane Cyclorama, not the basic version that comes with the DS content?
I don't believe that that is the problem, Richard. The .duf file(s) for those cyclorama scenes/backgrounds are calling for the blmpcyc_1163.dsf file in data/daz 3d/mpcyc/multiplanne cyclorama/, but the file is actually in data\DAZ 3D\Multiplane Cyclorama\Base. As for the .jpg it cannot find, I suspect that is a similar problem with an incorrect path. bstanle, could you check the location of that parc.jpg file to see if the path is correct?
In any event, there is obviously an error relative to the location of blmpcyc_1163.dsf. There are two possible solutions.
1. Load the Multiplane Cyclorama into an empty scene, then go into the Surfaces tab and click on the image map for the diffuse channel, browse to the location of the parc.jpg file and load it. The cyclorama should now have the correct background/foreground. Save it as a prop asset, giving it the same name that the original, non-working .duf file had, ensuring that it goes in the Environment > Landscapes > Backrounds directories and replaces the original. you should now have a working .duf file. The bad news is you will need to repeat this process for each background to correct the issue. Or ...
2. Extract the contents of the downloaded .zip files to a temporary location on your hard drive, then extract/open each of the .duf files found within. (These files are themselves compressed and cannot be read without uncompressing them). They will now not have file extensions, so add .duf to the end (this will conflict with the originals, so blow them away). Now you can open the .duf files in a text editor and correct the file paths. Once done save them and replace the .duf files in your content library. Again, you will need to repeat for each of the background you have.
So, basically, choose your poison. Or you could just continue to load the cyclorama manually and swap out the diffuse textures as needed.
I now realize that I was not using the full Multi Plane Cyclorama, just the one in the default Syudio install, I bought the full version and I will see if that fixes the problem.
Thanks for the info. If Richard's observation is not a fix, I will try to implement your sugesstion. I believe it is a "wrong directory" problem.
An update: Richard was right (yeah, yeah I know), the .duf file was using a file path associated with the full Multiplane Cyclorama package. I verified this by checking out the product page in the Documentation Centre. Old products like this often have file lists, and the Cyclorama did. Lo and behold, there was that strange file path repeated over and over. I had thought that it must be an error because Multiplane is mispelled "multiplanne". But nope, that is the way it was in the original product. But for the benefit of anyone who has only the version included with the starter essentials, my instructions will basically work, albeit a little tortuous.
Installing 3rd Party Content In DAZ Studio
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