How to save figure AND clothes in DaZ

When you do a character save... only the nude figure without clothes and hair is being saved

But like in Poser .. i want to save it all.. how to do that


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    There's probably a proper way of doinf it, but I'd be inclined to save as a Scene SUbset and dsselect anything (such as camera, etc.) that you don't want saving.

  • Character Preset will give you shape and materials, but not clothes and hair.

    Wearables Preset will give you clothes and hair, but not shape and materials.

    Scene Subset is the best way to get both.

  • Yeah, as others have said saving as a Scene subset is your best way of saving character, hair, and clothes.

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    I always use Scene Subset to save characters, so I end up with all morphs, grafts, textures, and clothes.

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