HD does what?

I see some of the models like Victoria 8 have an optional HD add-on. What does buying this give you? How is HD different than just using SubD? Also is Vic 8 just a preset for the body/face morphs? If not, can the morphs be used on her?


  • An HD moprh is able to move the additional vertices created by the SubD process, so it allows a finer detailing than a regular morph. That's especially useful in close-ups, or with strongly directional lights - for more general images a normal map is probably sufficient.

    No, Victoria 8 and the other name 8 shapes are not just presets, theya re new custom sculpts. Sincwe the base figure is still Genesis 8 female other morphs can be freely mixed and matched (allowing for the fact that some may product ugly results if they work at cross-purposes).

  • The HD does add more definition and detail ... BUT it is not noticeable in a large scene. It becomes increasingly noticeable as you move in closer to the model. It is most noticeable when you do extreme close-ups like of just the face or an eye. They are quite helpful if you have that need.

  • IllucidIllucid Posts: 25
    edited February 2018

    So I think I am starting to understand. The concepts are still not completely clear to me. A Genesis figure is a mesh with about 16k vertices. That is the "base" mesh. The skin material is like wallpaper and can be a hi-res photo.The HD add-on is not just a hi-res photo of skin. It is a version of the mesh with up to few million vertices. This high polygon mesh is not used in place of the "base" mesh. All the morphing is done on the "base" mesh. After the morphing Daz Studios can perform Sub Division on the "base" mesh. The software creates new vertices between the existing ~16k vertices  It guesses for those new vertices. So like upscaling a photograph, you add pixels (vertices) but not new detail. This is what the HD add-on is for. It is a morph that is applied after the Sub D process. It tweaks the position of those new vertices to add a layer of textural detail (wrinkles, pores, etc.)?


    So base mesh --> morph --> Sub D --> HD morph?

    Post edited by Illucid on
  • Yes. Most HD morphs are made with three or four extra levels of division applied.

  • Illucid said:

    The HD add-on is not just a hi-res photo of skin.

    No, the HD morph is nothing to do with textures — it always uses the original texture that comes with the non-HD character.

  • Different HD figures seem to have different things in their package. Some have a seperate HD morph, some have normal maps included, some require a HD add-on, some don't seem to have anything to make them HD. In the store, does HD always mean a post Sub D morph? Does an inlcuded normal map count as HD? If a HD figure has neither, does that mean the HD morph is auto applied?


    Thanks in advance for helping me clearing up my confusion!

  • Yes, anything described as HD should ahve an actual HD morph - normal maps, displacement, etc. don't count. I suppose there may be a few older items, before DS had HD moprhs, which use the term to mean something else but they will very much be the exception (and should probably be flagged up for Daz via as upport ticket).

  • HD is very deceiving as it simply means high definition in the wider world among other things which largely refers to pixels.

    It can be hard drive too.

    HD morphs is actually the term 

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