You plug em, we plant em
Daz 3D Forums > Software > Carrara Discussion>You plug em, we plant em
You plug em, we plant em

IF? and when the next version of Carrara comes out, will it be a completely NEW version of Carrara or an upgrade to the l;attests version now?
I ask because does this mean plug ins such as ANYTHINGS GOO and others HAVE to be updated and or INCOMPATIBLE with the next version!
I am already have to use SPARROW HAWKS tracks puling in on an older mac for Carrara 8.1
Hi Rich :)
Carrara 8.5 will be an update to 8.1,. (Meaning that it will install over the top of 8.1, and not create a new separate 8.5 program folder)
As fas as I can tell, .. after that,..development would move on to C9.
the main reason that 8.5 beta installs into a different folder now,.. is to avoid conflicts during testing.
plug-ins for 8 should work in 8.5. some things like Mimic , Aniblock importer, GOZ etc have already been updated during the beta development process,. to make them work with genesis, and to maintain compatibility with Daz Studio. since those plugins work with figures, meshes. and morphs,.
those have been available in your account if you have them, so that you can test those in the 8.5 beta version
The shader system hasn't changed,. so shader plugins which work in 8,. should work in 8.5.
hope it helps :)