Any ideas for an efficient index of materials?

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone had an idea for how to organize purchased products? I have been Daz'ing for a little while now and have a pretty decent sized library of purchased content. So much so that I have forgotten what I have. I started going through my list of purchased materials here and tried to make an index i.e. GF3 Hair, G3M Clothing, Environments, Props ect...but my progress was eaten by a computer gremlin. So I'm back to ground zero. I just thought I'd ask here if anyone had a way that they like to keep track of inventory before I start plodding on with the idea I was trying. I'm sure I'm not the only one here that has said "Wait...didn't I buy something like that once?"

Thanks for any tips!

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