How can I package a character file

I'm sorry if the title sounds confusing as apposed to what I'm asking. I have several characters I created. Someday I may want to share them with others. There are also times when I have to restore my computer back to the state it was in when I first purchased it. I don't want to lose my characters when I do this. How can I package them up and create a ZIP file?
Oh God, do I wish to know this myself. I can't COUNT how many times I've had to redo all my characters over due to re-installments and system transfers. :shut:
Do they use custom morphs, made in a modelling application or with magnets/DForms, or do they use the standard morphs? Are theer custom textures, or do you use textures from another set? Which application are you working in?
The characters I created use Moprhs++ from V4, M4, and K4 as well as the base morphs. They use textures from other sets, and I use DS3 Standard. All I would do is save the morphs I dialed to create the character for my own personal use. I would share the dialed morphs for free only if it was permitted. I don't need to save the textures in them. I do save them as Character files within DS3, but I would like to package them up so I can save them on my external hard drive just to make it easier to apply the morphs to a base figure.
A character preset will save all the unique stuff - morph settings and textures applied. It will work on any system where the required textures and morphs are installed.
Thankyou, Richard Haseltine. I was hoping for a way to create a package that I could save somewhere else. I see other people using Morphs++ to create custom characters and then sharing them on sites like ShareCG. My intentions aren't to necessarily to share them with others. I have to restore my computer to its original state, and I was hoping to save all my created characters to my external hard drive so I could delete everything in my Daz runtime instead of using up space on my external hard drive and just start from scratch.. I always have trouble transferring my stuff back into my content after I have to reinstall DAZ. But, if there is no other way, I guess I'll have to try to figure that all out.
All you need to share a character made with morphs++ is the preset - that will set the dials for the other users, as long as they have the morphs installed (and if they don't they can't get the benefit of them).
Thankyou, Richard. Boy, that is simple! And, I just figured out how to zip my saved presets.