How to change eyebrow color in GIMP?

Hi All,

Trying to change character's eyebrow color in GIMP. I'm not very familiar with GIMP. Is there an easy way of isolating the brows from the rest of the face map for purpose of applying color in GIMP? Thanks.


  • Hi,

    I'm not a gimp user, but I know you wouldn't get good results with the method of isolating even with something like the magic wand tool. The hair is too thin and you will always have some skin underneath selected. You could use some selective color shift but the results may vary.

    One thing you can do is to first remove the existing brows and paint over your new brows with the color you want. You can use a clone stamp brush untill it looks like the brows are shaved then you could try some hair brush to paint your new brows. There are several alpha mask brushes available with shapes of brows, just search the internet for "alpha mask brush".

    Here is some product that can help you with this process:

    Keep in mind once you have manualy removed the brows from the 'diffuse' texture in the image editor there may be also a 'bump', 'displacement', 'specularity' and maybe even a 'normal' map, where the brows are baked in.

    The Brow Remover plugin takes care of this and cleans all other texture maps.

    A suggestion - you can replace the brows with some conforming hair with something like the fibermesh brows or use the LIE (Layered Image Editor) to replace the existing brows with some mask.

  • BradCarstenBradCarsten Posts: 856
    edited February 2018

    Unfortunately my pc crashed so I don't have gimp installed, so I cant give exact details but hopefully I can still nudge you in the right direction.

    (look up creating channel masks and I'm sure you'll find a decent tutorial)

    - go into the channels dialogue and look which channel has the greatest contrast between eyebrows and skin. red, green or blue

    the idea is to import that into your normal layers again to use as a mask.

    from there use levels or curves to darken the eyebrows even more and lighten the skin if necessary. Don't overdo it though as it could get blocky.

    using a brush, whiten out all the other dark patches on the face so that you don't end up colouring the lips as well for example. 

    Use that layer as a mask to select the eyebrows

    now that you've selected the eyebrows, use hue and saturation to play around with the eyebrow colour. 

    Post edited by BradCarsten on
  • Thanks to the both of you!

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