Truly dumb question-- Bryce keeps asking for the locations of zillions of files

edited June 2013 in Bryce Discussion

All right, y'all, please remember that you HAVE been warned about just how dumb this question is...

When importing an obj file into Bryce, it won't stop asking where every single png file is. . The files are not located where the obj file is, and a few times, I've actually gone through the process of trying to track down each and every one. (It's enough to make me draw everything with a pencil from now on...) This is an impossible situation-- it CAN'T be right to go through this every time, obviously. At least I DO know that there's supposed to be an mtl file that comes in along with obj file, but why isn't it located in the same place? How do I create it/get it there?

This must be something unbelievably obvious... clearly, every user isn't going through this. But I think it's a general issue, because Vue does the same thing. Checking "no to all" just means that the mesh itself is brought in without any materials on it.

PLEASE help. Don't make me go back to drawing with crayons. ;)

Post edited by anise_leinen_390fa63a2b on


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited June 2013


    I have been doing just what you are describing for about 14 years or so. Only way to get over it is to save the textures in the same folder as the OBJs I am afraid. Or of course doing it in reverse and saving the OBJ (plus MTL) where the textures are held. I know that if you are talking about something like a figure which is clothed with various different things which are in different folders then it does become difficult.

    All the MTL does is hold the information as to which textures are needed.

    Of course once you have imported the OBJ into Bryce, you can then save it as an object preset, in the preset library which will then include the textures, but obviously become a much larger file.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • edited December 1969

    Okay, so WAIT... still figuring it out... does this mean that if I go into the materials room and look at the texture maps for, say, Vicki's teeth, I would then save all of those tooth and inner palate jpg maps in the same folder as the obj file?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    You can't move Vickies, or any other textures around, as that would break the file paths and then Poser or DS, whichever you are using, will never find them again.

    What I have done in the past is make a folder with duplicates of textures in it with the OBj and Mtl. That is still a lot of work, and I gave it p as my runtimes got larger and larger.

    I just plod on, finding all the textures, and as I have a habit of kitbashing costumes it can be a good few different texture folders I need to find.

    The beauty of bringing things into Bryce via the bridge, if you use DS, is that they will come over with the textures already there, instead of having to import an obj.

    Nowever I don't use DS, so do still export an obj from Poser and plod through finding all the textures, unless I am going to use Bryce mats for some parts.

  • edited December 1969

    See? I just KNEW there was a way to screw this up completely (moving texture files...) So I'm glad I asked. :) Okay, maybe this really WASN'T such a dumb question; I think that it's more complex than it seems to be at first. Maybe nobody ELSE was asking because they were afraid it was a stupid question, too... (Waves the Asking Dumb Questions flag. I'm a pioneer!) ;)

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @anise: I create a main Bryce Save file to store what's created, Bryce rendered files and .png files, which are created by exporting an image after saving it. You can create a sub file in the Bryce Save file to hold any of the things you created or any files you want to keep in the same general area.

    The easiest way to save .obj files is as Pam said, import them into the Object Library. In that library, accessed by clicking on the Right arrow next to Create on the Create palette, you can create other sections by clicking on the down arrow at the bottom of the window and clicking on User; going this route keeps from overloading those sections already created. Once in User click on the "+" and a narrow window will open asking for the name of the new section. Type in the name, click OK, and you'll have created a new section. To import an object into this new section click on Import, to the right of the "-" and "+" and a window will open asking for the name of the file. Navigate to the file location, click on the file to highlight it, click on Open--I believe it is--and you will be given the opportunity to type in the name of the object and a description. You just have to remember that if you exceed the 2 Mb limit of these sections all the objects in that section will become corrupted and unaccessible..

  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596
    edited December 1969

    I've noticed that when importing an object in 3ds format Bryce tries to load the object and the material files which is fine.

    The problem is, even though the correct material files i.e. tyres.png or lights.png in the case of a car are in the same folder
    as the object, Bryce can't find them. It then pops a box up saying it can't find a certain file and gives a file name that is always slightly different to the ones in the folder. It then lets me browse to the folder containing the file to locate it but it won't load it because it has a slightly different name.

    For example the car object loads and then it tries to load the material files that go with it.
    Bryce will say something like " Can't find Lights_L.png", then when I browse for it the file is called "lights.png" so Bryce won't load it.

    What I do to get round it is wait until it cant find the file, look at the name Bryce comes up with and then browse for the file and rename it to match what Bryce needs.

    It's a bit of a pain but it usually works.

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