Please let store search work with SKU

Seems I recall in the old store, you could enter the SKU of the product in the search box. Please add those as a searchable term.
I realize there's more pressing issues with the store front. But please consider adding this to the list of items we used to have available in the old store that needs to be added to the new.
With the current engine, what should be a single result with a product name results in a long list most times. Seems it's a 'search for any occurrence' type of search as opposed to 'exact phrase' search.
I do find that if you type in a search criteria and get a listing of results with all caps, that tends to put the specific product at the top. Using the SKU should result in the one product (or at worst a couple if it a product SKU was part of a bundle or two.)
Here's a thought - when a SKU is the search criteria, open the specific product promo page. (Hey, might as well dream big!)
Addendum: Lest we think I didn't consider using the advanced search... it didn't give a link using a SKU... here's what you get:
(I believe there's a thread stating it isn't working as it should anyway.)
Catalog Advanced Search
1 item(s) were found using the following search criteria
SKU: 13422
Don't see what you're looking for? Modify your search
There are no products matching the selection.
If you put the product name in "double quotes", it returns the exact match. And if there's multiple matches, or the product name shows up in the description of other items, it'll list more than one thing, but if you're set to sort by relevance, it's more likely to put the product that has that phrase in the name first. Otherwise, as you've noticed, it's a find any term in this string sort of thing.
Unfortunately, I can't add links to prove the point because the forum strips the quotes out of the links, instead of escaping them. Replacing with the HTML entities doesn't work either, because the forum strips out the ; instead of rendering the entity. As an added totally useless bonus, it replaces the regular double-quote characters with the left and right double-quotes, so even copy-pasting links as straight text won't work, because they need regular double-quotes.
Try the search terms presented below.
"Genesis to Poser CR2" (shows only the product by that name: 1 result)
"Toon Teeth" (shows intended product first, and two other products that mention the phrase in the description: 3 results)
"City Blocks" (this is part of a product name for several products: 27 results)
City Blocks (no quotes: 214 results)
Thanks! Great tip. And since I use the name in my database/spreadsheet, it does seem to work better.
Trying to re-sort install files so I can find what I need when I need it. Having trouble identifying some errant files that got put in the wrong sub-directories - apparently.
Search by SKU still would be nice... easy to identify by a install file name.