OT - 'cept it's great for saving 'vanishing legal usage info' ....

There are a few websites many here frequent wherein the 'saved to computer files' will not properly display the webpage when opened on an offline computer. Most frustrating when wanting to check legal info at time of download and the 'how to use/which product was needed' information as it either vanishes or is totally unreadable. So okay one can use Screen capture and an image editor ... or another screen capture program ... however this is so much faster if one is using Firefox. It's a plugin called "Abduction! 3.0.14"
Adds the option of "save page as image" to the right click menu.
Then there are options for a partial area or full page image save.
Presto, done.
Another plugin which seems to be working well, [so many things making downloads very slow these days] is a plugin called "Tweak Network 1.5.4". If nothing else, webpages load faster. When testing it; downloads from sharecg.com were twice the speed ... which wasn't saying much. Sooooo slooooow today.
Thanks for the heads up on this. The "only" thing I don't like about it, is that it will allow art rippers to get around theft prevention more easily (there are other ways, but a bit more tedious).
Well, quality of a 'screen grab' has its limits ...