Victoria 6 Starter Bundler Kit not loading

AVU4UAVU4U Posts: 67
edited December 1969 in New Users

Here's what I'm getting when I try and load the genesis 2 characters

Some assets needed to load the file were missing. The content may not work as expected.
The following files could not be found.

The files I'm trying to load don't show up in my Content Folder. The folder is set correctly in the DIM.

Here are the files that didn't load:
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Base/PBMNavel.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Genesis2Female.dsf

/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/PBMNavelDepth.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/CTRLWeight.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/PBMCollarboneDetail.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/PBMBreastsSmall.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/PBMHipSize.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/PBMGlutesLowerDepth.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/PBMThighsSize.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/CTRLGluteCrease.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Base/PBMNipples.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/PBMWaistWidth.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/PBMLoveHandles.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/PBMBreastsCleavage.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Genesis2Female.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/CTRLBreastsNatural.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/PBMAreolaePerk.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/PBMNipplesDepth.dsf
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/CTRLBreastsImplants.dsf

Mac Pro 2008
OSX 10.6.8
The screen grab is what I get.

1031 x 697 - 121K


  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    Did you install Genesis 2 Essentials? What is your install path in DIM

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    You need Genesis 2 Starter Essentials, and also 2 of the characters in the V6 bundle require the Evolution Head and Body Morphs

  • CupidLSUCupidLSU Posts: 10
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, pretty agitated about this purchase. I told install manager "install EVERYTHING," which includes genesis essentials starter, and it still does not work because it can't find

    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Genesis2Female.dsf

    when loading Genesis 2 and

    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Base/PBMNavel.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Genesis2Female.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Victoria 6/CTRLVictoria6.dsf

    when loading Victoria 6.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Can you post these 2 screenshots:
    1) In DS, Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager, expand the "DAZ Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats"
    2) In DIM, on Ready to Install tab check the "Show Details" box in the lower right

  • CharlieCharlie Posts: 2
    edited December 1969

    I am having similar issues and have installed and uninstalled, and installed the starter essentials and package that came with V6. I have uninstalled and reinstalled The Content Manager and Daz pro 4.6 and see the same blocky screen shot that you have in above. Non of the meta data seems to be read and V6 does not appear n smart content and appears the content library. Also have had difficulties with Mis Fisher's dress bnd wonder if there is a bug in the installer.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Charlie said:
    I am having similar issues and have installed and uninstalled, and installed the starter essentials and package that came with V6. I have uninstalled and reinstalled The Content Manager and Daz pro 4.6 and see the same blocky screen shot that you have in above. Non of the meta data seems to be read and V6 does not appear n smart content and appears the content library. Also have had difficulties with Mis Fisher's dress bnd wonder if there is a bug in the installer.

    Are you installing with DIM, installers, or manually extracting the zips?

  • edited December 1969

    Having the saem problem, cant load the assets and the figures is only cubes

  • edited December 1969

    Exact same problem. Here I post the image that you asked. Hope it help, but it sounds like a general bug

    732 x 738 - 61K
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    You've got some nested content folders: the last one in DS formats, and the 3rd and 5th in Poser formats. Can you do the other screenshot, from DIM, if you installed using DIM?

  • edited December 1969

    Hope this can help

    750 x 835 - 78K
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Go to the Ready To Install tab with Show Details -- that shows what the install location is set to.

  • edited December 1969

    it install to C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library

  • edited December 1969

    Here is the screenshot- Hope this help

    725 x 768 - 66K
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    You need to add C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library to DAZ Studio Formats and Poser Formats in DS.

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    I'm surprised that with it being Daz's own software it can't just examine the Daz Studio registry settings or something to work out where your content is currently stored so it defaults to that installation path. It would make more sense than creating an arbitrary path which doesn't even match the defaults which Daz Studio creates by itself.

    It's small wonder issues like this arise so frequently.

  • edited December 1969

    Hi Administrator

    I updated to DS 4.6 but my “Genesis Evolution Morph Bundle” is not in the Shaping panel. I tried download and instal again and it didn’t work too.


  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited August 2013

    I'm surprised that with it being Daz's own software it can't just examine the Daz Studio registry settings or something to work out where your content is currently stored so it defaults to that installation path. It would make more sense than creating an arbitrary path which doesn't even match the defaults which Daz Studio creates by itself.

    It's small wonder issues like this arise so frequently.

    HOF the Default DIM folder is really the very FIRST MS compliant content folder that I have ever seen. The User/Public folder DIM defaults too is the proper folder for ALL programs that can and will share the installed content for multi user PC's. It auto sets the Content usable for every Profile on the System. If the profile has the needed settings to use DAZ Studio they can USE the content without the PC Admin needing to do a thing. All that is need is to POINT DS to the Content path.
    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • edited December 1969

    I have the same issue. But I manually installed....uninstalled...installed...etc. Same error messages. Would manually creating a completely separate library for Genesis 2 content work?

    Genesis 2 is a complete fail when unpacking the content folder into my library\content.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    lm10001 said:
    I have the same issue. But I manually installed....uninstalled...installed...etc. Same error messages. Would manually creating a completely separate library for Genesis 2 content work?

    Genesis 2 is a complete fail when unpacking the content folder into my library\content.

    There should not be a folder named "Content" under "My Library". Move what's inside "My Library\Content" up one level and it will work.

  • edited December 1969

    Well... crap ... that worked :) .... Many thanks


  • bluejoe89bluejoe89 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    same problem here...

  • edited December 1969

    I'm not sure if I am having the same problem, but I can't get my Victoria 6 to load either. I took a screenshot in case anyone can recognize what might be wrong.

    1218 x 684 - 195K
  • edited December 1969

    By the way, I'm not new to Poser, but it's been a couple of years since I have used it, and the last version I used was P7. This one is currently P9. And the method I have always preferred for installing the items has been manually. And I thought that Poser came with Victoria 4 at least these days. I rechecked my folders to make sure I filed them correctly, and everything looks fine.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Poser 9 will need the Dson Plugin and the Poser S3 Update both to use genesis content. Then some files will/might need the PoserCF (Companion Files) before they work in Poser 9.

    Poser 9 can not use Genesis content nativity, at the least the update and the Dson plug in is needed. Both are free. Dson from DAZ 3D and the other from SM.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    1) DSON content needs to be installed to a writable location, which on Win7/8/Vista means it won't work in Program Files/Program Files (86).

    2) V4 never came with Poser.

  • edited December 1969

    Thanks, guys. I guess it HAS been a while if I thought Poser ever came with Victoria. lol I must have thought that since I never used the default ones.

    Ok. It sounds like the fact that I filed all of the content under Program Files (x86) on my 64-bit OS has something to do with it. Another difference now is that I am using Win8.1 versus Vista before. I never had problems with manually filing everything for Victoria on Vista in Poser 7, so had just assumed it would be the same for Genesis in Windows 8.1 using Poser 9.

    Wow, yeah. This is my first time trying to use Genesis, so I was unaware of the DSON Importer.

    I am aiming at getting Poser 10 soon.
    When you say the Poser S3 Update, are you talking about the update that SmithMicro posted for the various versions to run on Win8? If so, I have definitely already done this part.

    So I will give the DSON Importer a try and see what happens.
    Thanks mucho.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I did it so long ago I can not remember the proper name. SR3? maybe. The install Docs for Dson in the Documentation center should have all the proper info. It is what I used on my other PC and it all worked. I have not installed P9 on my new PC and may not do so.

    But a Big yep, to not installing Data (Content that will have saves) to the Program Files area in Win7 or Win8 both now protect that area of the drive.

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited May 2014

    Jaderail said:
    ... But a Big yep, to not installing Data (Content that will have saves) to the Program Files area in Win7 or Win8 both now protect that area of the drive.
    "With Extreme Prejudice".

    It would harass me about starting up Notepad, until I told windows7 to go pound sand. This is My workstation, and that is My hard drive that you are only a temporary Guest of.

    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • edited December 1969

    You need to add C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library to DAZ Studio Formats and Poser Formats in DS.

    I've been away for a few years and I'm restarting DS4 for the first time. I need to get back to my comic.

    I was watching the barefoot tutorial and got an error for the missing morphs. I knew it was something simple.
    Thank you for the help, and thanks to others for asking the question.


  • naioranaiora Posts: 28
    edited December 1969

    hi all i have same problem,
    where i can find those files?

    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Base/PBMNavel.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Genesis2Female.dsf

    content folder is only one d:\content

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