Texture Question

Hi I was wondering if the texture packs purchasable on the Daz site can be used as or converted to jpegs (I’m not familiar with the program and don’t know the format they came in). I don’t have the Daz software as I am on an iPad but I don’t need it for 3D rendering anyways. I’m working on a personal project and am looking for textures to superimpose onto an image I’m creating. I can’t find the textures I need anywhere else but found the perfect set on the Daz site. I’m working on an image similar to this one that I made a few days ago:


That is a photo I made for my husband and son. My husband is a deputy and bomb tech and showed it to his buddies at work. His team would like me to make one of them for their office but the image I used for my first one (Creative Commons) really doesn’t have the variety I need for 10 different people. I found a pack on Daz that would help me accomplish this, but I’m not sure if I could use them outside of Daz (as in just the textures). I’m on an iPad and use Procreate App for my work.

Thank you for your time


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    I can't see the photo, but it would depend on the pack. In general, with very few exceptions, the materials use image files. However, often they are made to fit the specific model the materials are for (assuming you aren't looking at a fabric shader pack that is meant to work on a range of models) which might mean the actual area of pattern was quite limited and not set-up to tile. It's also likely that the effect you see in the promo images is the result of several maps affecting different properties of the surface (its colour, its shiness, its relief, and so on) which wouldn't be contained in a single image from the set. If you say which pack you are looking at we may be able to give a more specific answer.

  • I have t read through your reply, but in the mean time, here is the image (hopefully it uploads correctly)

    2048 x 1706 - 629K
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    Well, you can't use the promo images from the product page to patch into an image, and the maps are like the pieces of material that make up a dress, they don't show perspective or shading, so unless you are painting all of that on top of flat pattern pieces I don't think there's anything that will help.

  • The pack is: https://www.daz3d.com/mec4d-hoplite-soldier-for-genesis-2-male-s

    but I just got a reply from support explaining that those are just texture maps so wouldn’t work for what I need.

    Side note: Is there a special way to include urls in here? That link is a public FB link so you should be able to view it unless the forum has blocked the url? I tried uploading the image directly here but it keeps saying “No file data can be found on your post”.

  • Ah sorry, there must be a delay. I see now that my original reply went through the first time with the attachment lol sorry for any confusion

  • And attached here is the source of the armor I used.


    the pack I was looking at was https://www.daz3d.com/mec4d-hoplite-soldier-for-genesis-2-male-s

    but support replied to me letting me know that the jpg images are just texture maps so that wouldn’t work for my needs.

    I asked support if I bought and opened this pack in Daz Studio and took screenshots of the model in various positions, would that work for what I’m looking for. They said yes, it’s possible. Could you confirm this?

    2224 x 1668 - 5M
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    And attached here is the source of the armor I used.


    the pack I was looking at was https://www.daz3d.com/mec4d-hoplite-soldier-for-genesis-2-male-s

    but support replied to me letting me know that the jpg images are just texture maps so that wouldn’t work for my needs.

    I asked support if I bought and opened this pack in Daz Studio and took screenshots of the model in various positions, would that work for what I’m looking for. They said yes, it’s possible. Could you confirm this?

    Yes, that would work (though the screenshots would not have a very metallic look (that comes from the calculated reflections rather than being baked into the textures) unless you rendered (or used the Iray preview mode, though the set appears to pre-date Iray and use the 3Delight engine and materials).

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745
    edited April 2018

    It looks like what you want to do is combine a photo of real people with a rendering of armored soldiers, using masks to make it appear the live people are wearing the armor.

    If that's the case, you could use DAZ Studio to make the entire scene with appropriate characters in it to stage the photo you want; then turn on the Depth of Field setting and render the scene to a large, high-quality PNG; then take that into Affinty Photo, GIMP, Photoshop, or whatever to replace the faces.

    The hardest part is what you've already learned: making blended characters look believable in the doctored image. But if you aren't using DAZ already, you will face a learning curve: you'll have to learn how to set up the background, pose the characters, light the scene, place and set up "cameras," and select the render settings you need for the final render. Your photography background will help a lot with lighting and selecting the proper camera settings and render settings, but it's not something you'll master in a day...

    You're allowed to do what you want with 2D images and movies generated by DAZ Studio, so you can do this, and with enough patience and care, it should work out well.


    Post edited by Inkubo on
  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    Do take Richard's comment into account, though. The hoplite armor won't have shine and reflections that match your scene unless you convert the metals to Iray materials. I have the hoplite armor myself, so it's possible I could help you figure out what changes to make if you go that route.

  • edited March 2018


    Post edited by ojklippah_6d76f2f28e on
  • MatCreatorMatCreator Posts: 215

    Just to say, and to answer the question directly, my shader sets come with the textures and can be used as resource files for your work (because the texture files have to be supplied anyway). I supply them even with my bryce sets, just for that reason, so it doesnt matter which program you use (even tho studio is free =P).

    Not that im trying to push anything, but i think its important to know...

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    @MatCreator, if the shaders can be used as Merchant Resources, please consider updating your product descriptions to say so. Unfortunately DAZ doesn't currently have a database flag to indicate when something is an MR, so the best you can do is search using the term "merchant resource" and hope for the best. The result set includes anything that says in its description that it is a Merchant Resource; it deceptively includes anything that specifically says it is NOT a Merchant Resource; but it does not include MC-MMM DAZ Studio, for example, because the words don't appear at all in your description. In other words, people looking for shaders they can use in their own work for sale probably aren't seeing your stuff at all!

  • MatCreatorMatCreator Posts: 215

    For the record, i did and do, but admittedly was unaware the sets are not listed as so...

    Will look into it...

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