Dforce clothing issues and questions
I have purchased several Genesis 8 characters and a handful of dforce compliant clothing. I am running into some issues however.
Some of my models the clothing works as intended but I have a few different characters where certain clothing disappears as soon as the simulation starts running. Shangrila and the wet and dry baby doll for example. I also sometimes have issues where the character appears to melt. Could this be because of any advanced settings I haven't thought of?
Also when setting a dynamic modifier, should I set every parent the clothing will be interacting with individually ie the character and a chair if the character is sitting?
Bonus issue is that sometimes when I apply a piece of Genesis 8 clothing to Genesis 8 characters, the conversion window pops up and only gives me 'originally made for' options for Gen 3 male or Gen 2 female when both are Gen 8.
1- The first issue I haven't encountered (parts of an outfit dissappearing).
2- I've had the "melting character" happen to me before, but that's because when I added the dforce dynamic modifier I forgot to deselect the character, so it got applied to the skin as well.
3- Some clothing outfits come with a both a G3 and G8 version. It might be that you're getting the "pop out" window because you are loading the G3 version, rather than the G8 one.
I was under the impression I had to add a modifier to each mesh that was participatng in the simulation so I always apply a dynamic modifier to both the clothing and the character itself. Should I be applying a static modifier to the character or none at all?
Objects default to being Dforce collision objects without making any change. You do not need to add any Dforce modifiers to collision objects unless you wish to change the surface settings (ex. increase the friction). You can see this default behavior by seeing the value for Visible in Simulation property on an object being set to the value On.
If you don't explicitly apply a dForce modifier to an item then it will be treated as if it had a static modifier with the default settings - applying a static modifier is necessary only if you want to adjust settings. dForce items already have their modifiers applied.
Ok, seem to have solved the melting issue by not setting a modifier onto the character like suggested. As far as the clothing dissapearing it was happening still on 2 of my characters but it is just for one item of clothing, the other dforce garments all work on them. Whether I fix it or not I just have to avoid using that one thing of clothing which is acceptable.