Character jumping on Y Axis during minute posing G8

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

I was wondering if anyone else noticed this. Sometimes when I'm posing a G8 figure, I'll be zoomed in doing some small, subtle hand/finger posing (for instance) where you grab the finger tip and move it gently left/right/up/down ect and the characters hole body jumps up in the air like 10 clicks. I was just doing one where the figures foot needed adjustment so it didn't protrude through the floor. I pinned the thigh and the opposite foot and it prevented it from movement (so I know a work around, life goes on) but I was just wondering if anyone knew what causes the jump. Maybe it's something I'm doing wrong. If not and that's just how it is, I'm okay, pinning is fine. Just an added step to do and undo.



  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Wow, is it just me?

  • IllidanstormIllidanstorm Posts: 655
    edited April 2018

    How do you pose the finger?
    When I use the activepose tool on the finger only the upper boddy moves if nothing is pinned.

    If I use the translate tool yes the whole body moves even if pinned that's why I only use the translate tool when I want to move the whole object but never for posing.

    Post edited by Illidanstorm on
  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404
    edited April 2018

    Great tip! I have been Daz'ing for 3 years and have always used the Universal Tool for like...everything. I watched a tutorial about the Active Pose Tool and was holding my head the whole time. The headaches that solves!

    Post edited by DDCreate on
  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    I click on the body part and then use the sliders to pose. This isolates that one part and you won't accidentally move anything else - it's especially helpful when trying to wrap fingers around an object.
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