Helpful TidBits I learned this week...

Okay, I had stacks of stuff but was playing and not ending up rendering much.  But I really was clueless about lighting in Iray or any ray for that matter.  I bought a tutorial or too and even though I am still in the middle of them, I am able to find my way out of a paper bag now and use some of the tips right away.

Also my poses really stink and while I have not learned any tricks there yet, I did find some nice free ones for G3 and G8 by OneSix on rendo.  I did pick this up to go with them but I am using G3F still.

Krita is a Free painterly type of program with a ton of free brushes over on deviant art and they just upgraded to a new version. And its free.

And I probably should have paid attention to lights and poses but I was so busy getting morphs and hair and outfits, it didn't happen. But if I ever want good renders I am going to have watch some tutorials.  There are great one on youtube too.  I guess if you count all the stuff I don't know yet, I am still very green too.


  • RitaCelesteRitaCeleste Posts: 625

    I was working through the lighting tutorial and I stopped to test some things and I ended up with a render.  Normally I make my own characters to start with, fight with getting older clothes to fit, fight with posing the character cause I don't have a pose that is very close to where I want to go.  I used a character, I used clothes made for that figure, I used a pose and it was so quick.  Normally I spend a day on the character and rush around trying to get it ready to render as quick as possible but the posing takes so long and the setting is just thrown in there.  Was nice to have things go so smooth for a change.  I can do a lot more renders with useful poses.  I still love the making characters part but I am open to buying a few more now.

  • themidgetthemidget Posts: 287
    Krita is a Free painterly type of program with a ton of free brushes over on deviant art and they just upgraded to a new version. And its free.

    I have used Krita a lot for painting but have mainly used Gimp for creating patterns and textures so far.  Krita has a great multi-transformation tool that would be good for fitting textures to UV maps.  Well worth downloading!

  • RitaCelesteRitaCeleste Posts: 625

    Thanks!  I knew about Krita before and I meant to dive in but life got in the way, and now its a good time.  I thought that render was done last night but I messed up and then I worked and worked on little things.  I finally stopped poking at it but not before my demon got to looking more likely to bite.  I'm not sure if all my poking at it ruined it or not.  I have promissed to actually do renders and not just play dressup or edit textures.

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