New Mac Carrara Install Questions
I have just gotten a new iMac, and the Migration Assistant didn't really work... so I've been manually installing and transferring files from the old iMac to the new one.
I just installed Carrara Pro 8 and when I opened it, it asked for my name and serial number. I typed in the serial number listed in my account, and got a message box that I needed to run Carrara once as administrator in order to use it. I've closed Carrara, done some content installations, and reopened it. I got the same message....
I don't know what that means though? Can anyone help me? I am the administrator on my computer if that's what it means. Otherwise I'm not sure.....
if you are running C 8.5 beta - SN is here
I'm running both 8.5 and 8.1. It's 8.1 that I'm having trouble with. I haven't tried installing 8.5 on the new machine yet.
The reason I run both is because I can't seem to get 8.5 to recognize all of the content I've bought and have to use in 8.1.
Anyway that's another issue I have with the people who have developed this wonderful 3D modeling program and then seem to ignore it.
You said it is a new Mac - which means it is running Mountain Lion. Lion doesn't work on Carrara 8.1. You have to use the beta just to get a working version of Carrara on your Mac. I'm running Mtn Lion on Mac Mini and C 8.5 beta works great. Just use the beta until the real release comes out at the end of summer.
Follow these steps:
I'm running Carrara 8.1 Pro Build 153 (64 bit) on a new iMac with Mountain Lion (10.8.4). It works perfectly.
I got the same problem with my new iMac with Mountain lion and contacted the DAZ technical support, but receive no reply to my request as yet. I thought it was a problem with my french version of Mountain Lion
I have only 1 account on my computer and it is automatically the admin account.
I need help too
The solution has already been posted. On this very thread no less but, here it is again....
Go here:
Follow those steps exactly and your problem will be solved.
It doesn't matter that you only have 1 account on your computer and that it is automatically the admin account. You need to set up the "root user" account. The root user account trumps all other accounts, even if they have admin access. The root account has access/admin rights to everything. Once your done, you can deactivate the root user account. (in fact it's recommended you do so)
You don't need to wait for a reply from Daz. If you follow the instructions in the link provided above you'll be up and running in a matter of minutes. Guaranteed.
Apple and Daz make me tired. To be sure for one time to have something working well i buy Mountain Lion. I reinstall everything from zero. Mountain Lion is a piece of shit (stay on snow leopard) and Carrara the same caind. Problems with authorizations, carra won't work, the beta works but can't find all thread with Dim, Dim can't install the half soft i buy on Daz3D... etc...And i buy and i buy, and i'm waiting for a long time now to have something really working. So today i will buy another 3d software witch works and dont have other beta all the month. Maybe i come back on daz when Carrara will work (as promised) with the now obliged Daz Studio. And go back to snow Leopard. Stop spend money to buy a adz shoe or else...i dont want dazstudio and i buy all the time something (lol). Sorry for my bad english, hope you understand my mind.