d-force hair simulation

hello ,i look for tutorials about d-force hair simulation ! thanks



  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    There really aren't any as hair is not an official part of dforce yet. There has been a product that tries to apply dforce presets to hair and one actual dforce hair product, but that is it so far

    Your best bet would be normal clothing dforce tutorials and try to apply the same techniques to hair.

  • grinch2901grinch2901 Posts: 1,246

    There is a video now n YouTube about using dforce weight maps on a poet shirt.  I’ve done some experiments with hair and weight maps are essential.  Generally the strands are not actually connect to anything so you typically need them paint a weight map zeroing out the effect of dforce along the parts, the crown, anywhere else the strands meet the skullcap.  Also, always make sure to turn dforce sinulation strength to 0 for the skullcap surface.  If you don’t it tends to explode every time.  I’ve found that with the weight maps that could get some me hairs to work okay, some others exploded no matter what I did.  Experimentation is all we can do for now until more native dforce hairs come out.  Good luck.

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