I just bought sakura 8

Hello !

I'm kinda begginer with the soft, i wanted an anime model and this one is AWESOME, but i'm not able to find clothes for her, i just bought the normal pack and i though i would be able to make her wear some free stuff but i don't find any, no hair, no clothes, no shoes, are there any free stuff sfor Sakura ?

if not which one could i buy ? every clothes for Genesis 8 fit Sakura or not ?

Thank you very much for your help !


  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    Sakura 8 is a character for the Genesis 8 base figure — any clothes (also any hair, and many prop sets) that are made for Genesis 8 will fit on Sakura.

    Genesis 8 figures can also wear clothes made for earlier generations of Genesis figures, using a built-in function called "Autofit" — there's nothing extra to buy, it just works when you load clothes for e.g. Genesis 2 or 3 onto Genesis 8.

  • Thank you for your fast reply !

    maybe i do something wrong then !

    my character (Sakura 8) is loaded, when i select her Daz shows me every stuff that can fit my character at the left part of my screen in "files"

    and exemple for the hair, i have only one hair i can choose for her, called "toulouse hair"

    for the outfit it's same i don't have much too, it means i have to do it differently ?

    thank you !

  • oh i think it's because i didn't download the "starter essential female" ! no ?

    i'm gonna do it right now !

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    my character (Sakura 8) is loaded, when i select her Daz shows me every stuff that can fit my character at the left part of my screen in "files"

    This suggests you're looking in the Smart Content pane, which doesn't do a good job of showing items made for other figures but will work using Autofit. Look in the Content Library pane instead; this shows all the items in your content collection, as opposed to Smart Content, which is a view of a database of your content. Smart Content does some neat tricks, and can be very useful, but it has limits; remember there are other ways to get at your content.

  • I have checked in the content library (after i downloaded the "starter essential" and it looks same,

    i am actually in the content library and for hair i got Aldora hair and sallymae hair in the "Daz hair" folden, both of them doesn't fit

    and in another folder called "hair" from genesis 2 i got Toulouse short hair, it's the only one that can fit my character.

    same for clothes i don't have many options, or maybe i don't look at the good placee.

    how many free stuffs should i have in the soft ? do you think i forgot to download anything ?

    in the install manager i still have some stuff to download (but i don't know what they are) like : Dm's memorial, hexagon...

    Thank you again and sorry if i seem stupid, i don't do it on purpose but i don't know how to find more stuff for the character.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    Check your Product Library page — put "4.x" into the Filter text box and click the Filter button, then click on the entry for D|S that appears below it. Wait a bit, it takes a little time for the page to show, then scroll down to see the list of all the free content, plus the downloads that are actually part of the D|S program. (Don't download from here, use the list as a reference to find the downloads in the Install Manager.) Note that this includes the Default Resources and the PostgreSQL CMS, you must install these.

    Also note that you might not need to install some of the free content — the 3D Bridge is only needed if you use Photoshop, GoZ is an import plugin for ZBrush, Texture Atlas is only useful if you're converting DAZ content for use in games, and the dForce Starter Essentials is nice to have, but really only useful if you'll be using dForce dynamic clothes.

  • thai have got some free stuff i didn't have yet, like this beach stuff with the sandy background and a few clothes, but no hair, i still have the toulouse short hair only xD but it's ok at least i'm starting to understand more how the interface works, it's kinda difficult at the beginning one last question, the dforce dynamic clothes are working on any daz3d version ? i guess it's something to make the clothes matching the character when we are positioning it ? i have seen some dfoce dynamic clothes available for sakura 8 that's why i'm asking xD thanks again for sharing your knowledge.
  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    one last question, the dforce dynamic clothes are working on any daz3d version ?

    No, dForce is a very recent addition to DAZ|Studio — only the most recent two or three released versions will support it.

    i guess it's something to make the clothes matching the character when we are positioning it ?

    Not quite; fitting the character happens because the clothes models are all supposed to be normal clothes that work on a Genesis figure. The dForce feature is in addition to this — it simulates the force of gravity and wind, allowing cloth to drape more realistically over the figure wearing it.

    i have seen some dfoce dynamic clothes available for sakura 8

    I've noticed e.g. the Bunny Outfit says it's "for Sakura 8" but if you look closely at the description on the store page, it does say "fits all other Genesis 8 Female characters". All these clothes are made first for the Genesis 8 base figure, then the fits for other characters are added.

  • thank you Spottedkitty! :D

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    Glad to help. Don't worry too much about feeling lost sometimes, this stuff really is a bit complicated.   wink

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