Why is this so bright?

I just can't seem to work this out.  These are the settings I used (I made no alterations to any of the render settings, so they are all at the default values), and yet this is the image I got from the render.  Why does it look like there's a nearby nuclear blast?

image     image     image

Render settings , Tone Mapping.jpg
435 x 875 - 173K
Render Settings, Environment.jpg
402 x 1522 - 319K
Test Render.jpg
1000 x 600 - 60K


  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    The shutter speed is set at 4 which will let too much light into the camera.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    Yes, take a closer look at the Shutter Speed parameter label — the (1/x) means the setting is for an "exposure" of 1/4 second, much too long unless the other camera-type parameters are also adjusted to compensate.

    Remember that these parameters work like the controls on a real manual camera. Shutter Speed is measured in fractions of a second. F/Stop values halve or double the simulated light entering the camera; going down it's 8, 11, 16, 22, 32 etc.; going up it's 8, 5.6, 4, 2.8, 2 etc. (the mathematical formula is a bit complicated). And Film ISO is the sensitivity of the simulated film; the standard "medium" value is 100, and it halves or doubles from there.

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