Lighting Help
I am trying to light portraits and full length figures without a lot of success. I have watched the youtube videos on 3 point lighting but I never seem to get the same results as others manage.
Are there any advanced tutorials on lighting figures I should watch? Are there any tutorials which cover the lighting types other than spotlights available in Daz? Should I be looking at a thrid part lighting package and if so which one?
Which renderer are you using? 3Delight or Iray?
I found this product pretty good for portraits
I haven't watched this yet, but the tutorials from dreamlight are usually pretty good
What is different about the results?
For figures have you got a good skin shader or texture?
I like to use primitive planes to light as it gives softer shadows.
- create > new primitive > plane
- angle it towards your figure.
- go into surfaces tab and select the primitive
- in your Content library tab > Shader presets > iray > Daz Uber, Add the uber base shader. then add emissive.
- go into surfaces tab and make sure the lumens are quite high- 500,000 etc.