someday -- mcjDecal
Figure 1 : although the image below was photoshoped
what i'll try to do tonight
( taking a short break from the Aiko3 crop-top )
is to write a script
which lets you stamp an image on a figure, in a WYSIWYG fashion
Figure 2,
create a Primitive plane
create a camera
parent the plane to the camera
zero the plane's transforms
so it's now "in my face"
moved the plane away along the Z axis
it's now in front of the camera
textured the plane with an image
made the surface slightly transparent
aimed the plane/picture at Aiko's shoulder
selected the shoulder's material
i'll leave the complicated but high-performance solutions for later
for tonight's trick, i just need to map the 4 corners of the stamp
so it wont be a distortion-free solution
figure 3, first experimental results with a 1000x1000 pixels map
we can see one of the issues for this low-processing-cost solution
the decals cant be applied across skin texture seams
figure 4
this time, we avoid crossing a texture seam
we use a 2000x2730 pixels map
but we can see the other issue with
this low-processing-cost solution
we use a 4 UV coordinate map and apply it to a thousands UV coordinates map
so we get very visible distortion
Figure 1 - my first ever script-applied decal
for now i set this project aside
and i'll complete the crop-top for Aiko3
i'll be back in this thread in July or August
technical details
the decal was 200x200 pixels
the source/destination texture was 2048x2730
the script used the mcjCollider 4 times
the processing time was ...16 seconds
as a plugin it would be 1 second i guess
, most of it for disk access
Figure 2
decal was sampled 1000x1000 times ( unfortunately the decal was just 200x100 )
the source/destination texture was 4096x5460
the script used the mcjCollider 4 times
the processing time was ...6 minutes
amazing as always from you! watching with great interest!
Make that at least two of us!
Subscribing ...
Could you finish than script, it would be so awesome :) please, please