Question about storing files and disk space

Hi, I've been discovering Daz3D for about a week now.
One thing I noticed is that big amounts of my hard disk space seem to disappear after a week of rendering some simple scenes.
But when I look at the files, they are not so big at all.
Somewhere, something is eating away large amouts of my disk space or am I wrong?
Can someone explain this to me and what I can do to regain some of this disk space?
(or what are the biggest files in Daz3D and where are they stored / deleted.)
I am working on a 2017 iMac.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    The scenes store pointrs to assets - the textures and models themselves. It's that content that will be ating your HD sapce, assuming you have been adding a lot of content - if not I'm not sure where the space would be going.

  • OstadanOstadan Posts: 1,128

    On a Mac or Linux, the "du" command-line program is very helpful.  Filter its output through "sort" to find the big users.  Filter that output through "grep -i daz" to find out the daz-specific directories that are full of stuff.

    So:  "du | sort -n | grep -i daz" may be informative.


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