problem with activation
Daz 3D Forums > Software > Carrara Discussion>problem with activation
problem with activation

i have bought Carrara 8 Pro and have some issues with the activation, when i start the program it ask for a serial, on my account settings i go to my serials, copy the Carrara 8 Serial that is there and paste it in but it always said invalid serial.
most probably you are copying a space before the serial? or maybe an extra dot at the end?
when you get it to work make sure you are running as admin if it keeps asking you toput it in everytime you boot carrara up
good luck
yes, i copy and paste it and tryed every carrara serial i'Ve got but no one works, got one for Carrara 8 Pro, Mimic for Carrara 7 and Mimic for Carrara 8 but it's the same about iclone as i can't create an account as i dont get an activation mail but i wrote a mail to them and hope this problem will be solved soon.
if it's Carrara 8.5 - SN for it is here
not in your account .
thx, i will try that out when i'm home, hope that works.
But not sure if it was Carrara 8.1 or 8.5 as i've had both on my product libary
HI :)
Are you using Mac or PC ?
What OS ? WinXP, Win7, Win8, OSX .......
Are you logged in as the Administrator. ?
(you need to have administrator rights to install software and allow the serial number to register.
If you're copying / pasting the serial number from a web page,......
Paste the serial into a basic text document ( Not HTML)
then copy the basic text serial number,. and paste it into Carrara.
( make sure you don't copy any blank spaces from the start, or the end of the serial number ).
If none of that works,...
type in the serial number manually.
if that doesn't work,.....
make sure you have the correct Carrara version, for the serial number you have.. and that you have administrator rights on your user account.
Serial numbers are product specific,. so, for example : the serial number for Carrara 7 won't work for Carrara 8
you need to have the correct serial number for the Carrara version you're using, and you need to have administrator privileges to allow the program to install and register the serial number.
hope it helps
thank you for your help, it was the issue that i was using Carrara 8.5 and didnt used the Serial from Forum.
I am using PC with Win7 64bit system.
So i can try to figure out now how everything works on Carrara :)