Everyone in Draper Needs to read this...

BrycescaperBrycescaper Posts: 148
edited December 1969 in The Commons

All I am trying to do is get a working copy of DAZ|Sudio 3 that will be compatible with Bryce 6 and Windows 7.I have Bryce 7 installed, the Pro version even... but it calls for versions that my system have declared incompatible with Win 7, so my strategy is to create the basic scenes in Bryce 6, in tandem with Bryce 3.1.73, than reopen them in Bryce 7 and add the advanced features like fill light and the rest. I can't even do that, because I can't even bridge to Studio to begin with. The links used to take me to the appropiate Daz3 version during Bryce 7 installation that worked on my computer are gone... I don't know why you cleared the page and left an incomprehensible and useless (with a link that doesn't even work, I might add). The first link is the link from DAZ to install Daz 3; the following is what comes up when I get there.
When I get to the page, there is a tiny bullet list in the upper left hand corner in small Times new Roman type:
>>{lang:memberlist} is a hotlink to the following blank page: http://www.daz3d.com/i/software/{path:memberlist}

Why are you guys going this? Daz 4 is no better than Daz 3, With the non-optional metedata garbage, you've made it worse.

Anyway, you guys need to stop burning your bridges. Your software is never finialized versions, (it is yet acknowledged by long time users that Bryce 5.5 is the only truly stable version of Bryce out there) but beta versions that you expect the Daz community to debug for you while youy are already working on new platforms. The metedata fiasco is bad enough, but in desperation I downloaded 4.5 and found it is not even compatible with previous versions- the extensions are different and won't work with previous versions. That will be the death knell of DAZ and eventually Bryce itself. You have already killed 90% of ten years work by creating this 'metadata' and making DAZ4 incompatible with earlier versions. The program will not function without the metedata system (there is no option to decline adding or using it during installation) and I suspect the metedata databases are the problem with its incompatability with my system. The content organizer in Bryce 3 worked just fine with me.

You need to re-evaluate your strategy regarding your software development and have outside resources debug and create stable versions of your software before you go hell-for-leather creating new versions, and if 4.5 becomes the standard, you will disable ten years of software content, not that you haven't already did some major damage with the metedata system. From the outside looking in, and quantifying that I am the biggest DAZ-Bryceaholic in the state of Florida, you guys are doing everything to dwstroy your software, its usefulness, and thus the company itself. Are you that eager to wait in unemployment lines while DAZ files a Chapter 13 bankruptcy? So far, you guys couldn't have tried any harder or done a better job of heading thast way. Instead of thinking up new ways to create slightly altered versions and attaching an ascending number to the title and create a 'new version', acknowledge your past successes and make every past version of your software available and let the user decide which applications and best meets teir needs.

I suggest you go back to Bryce 5.5, (which was Corel in origin but you added the Daz interface), and work forward from there with solid, tested and proven software releases. I'm sick of losing entire projects I haven't saved yet due to another program freeze-up or software crash. If not, you should add an 'auto-save'- command (it automatically saves the file every yten minutes like they have in 3D Studio Max and Corel Video Studio Pro) for Bryce. You can't use these programs professionally because of the instability, regardless of the unmatched reaslity of the rendered scenes it produces..

You are killing the Daz community because the problens people are encountering are rapidly mounting and soon you'll have to stop developing new content and become a software debugging firm as opposed to a software development firm. I strongly suggest rolling back all versions of Daz and starting over with Daz 1.13. You guys are too eager to make a fast buck and not developing stable, smooth-running software that doesn't crash every project before moving carefully and thouroughly testing new features into the latest version of Bryce, or at leasrt versions of Dazwhat form seamlessly with Win 7.

If I may be permit me to add of thought that will sendwaves of panic through your offices, Windows 8 is due out around Halloween. If you make earlier versions of Daz Studio available instead of forcing to an upgrade that doesn't even work, you just might save your company. Just remember, we are artists, not debuggers. Get outside help to resolve conflicts in your software. We can't, and by and large aren't interested in doing it. We are artists, not software engineers or system analyses.
You are right, however, offering these as free downloads. Although I have faithfully paid for each new version, in reality this software suite is too unstable to be offered at any price. You have tried to pass off beta versions as stable products, and it isn't working anymore. Already I am hearing terms applied as 'junk' and 'untrustworthy, liable to crash' on your products. From a marketing viewpoint, that is sheer disaster.

If there is a script that will allow versions older than 3.1.73 to access Bryce 6 (the latest I have is 3.0.26 (I think I'm gettinfg the numbers right, but you probably know which versions I mean). I went to C|Net and tried downloading 3.1.73, but had no success- you updated your links to 4.0. As I have said, no version of 4.0 works on my computer. I did find one 3.1.73 downloaded it and used my 3.0.26 serial to activate it. It reverted to the older version (something I've never seen before, a program retrograding itsef to an earlier version based on its serial number). That really hacked me off, because I can't even get the version recommended by Daz to work cause I don't have the right serial number. I've asked for such a valid serial number, and not received it. That hacks me off even more.

I have paid good money for products that aren't worth buying, and you now offer as free. I might hiold off on buying Bryce 8 becsause it will eventualy be free. As far as Daz Sudio, I'd like theat link for the program and a valid serial number. Thank you.


  • BrycescaperBrycescaper Posts: 148
    edited June 2012

    I apologize for sounding so caustic and angry... but that is exactly my state of mind at the moment. I casn't even link my Daz products to Bryce 6, much less Bryce 7. Bryce 5.5 is incomatible with Vista+ platforms, so I don't even have that option. The real demon in all this is Daz Studio.

    Post edited by Brycescaper on
  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited December 1969

    Have you updated your graphics card drivers?

    DS4 needs higher than usual open gl versions.

  • BrycescaperBrycescaper Posts: 148
    edited December 1969

    You might have something there... My HD crashed and my drivers are what Win7 supplied at the time when I reinstalled.. Still, I stand by what I said... that metedata mess has made Daz 4 incompatible with 90% of the content on my system, so Daz 3 is acceptable. It works, but without that bridge and proper upgrade there is no link to transfer my figures from Daz to Bryce. Personally I think the Daz rendering sucks... Bryce is much motre photorealistic, as I will show below...

    1800 x 1200 - 2M
  • BrycescaperBrycescaper Posts: 148
    edited June 2012

    Don'tya hate it whe yo're taking a picture and someone walks across the pic... especially doing THAT? >:D

    Post edited by Brycescaper on
  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited December 1969

    You might have something there... My HD crashed and my drivers are what Win7 supplied at the time when I reinstalled.. Still, I stand by what I said... that metedata mess has made Daz 4 incompatible with 90% of the content on my system, so Daz 3 is acceptable. It works, but without that bridge and proper upgrade there is no link to transfer my figures from Daz to Bryce. Personally I think the Daz rendering sucks... Bryce is much motre photorealistic, as I will show below...

    Interesting - I think photorealistim sucks!

    Gimme toon any day.

    And metadata?

    Never touch the stuff - it's a waste of memory and the CMS is a waste of resources.

    But I also shun all human models in favor of Cows, so take that for what it's worth...

    Hope you get it working!

  • BrycescaperBrycescaper Posts: 148
    edited June 2012

    Thank you... I do have an affinity of sirloin LMAO
    I wonder if toon cow meat is toughter than the photorealistic real thing? :/

    Post edited by Brycescaper on
  • BrycescaperBrycescaper Posts: 148
    edited December 1969

    You gotta post a link to your gallery... I never saw a toon cow before... ROFL

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,571
    edited December 1969

    "Metadata", by which I assume you mean the Content management System, doesn't make any of your content incompatible. Content without metadata won't show in the new Smart Content pane, but it will show normally in the Content Library pane (Window>Panes(tabs)>Content Library.

  • BrycescaperBrycescaper Posts: 148
    edited December 1969

    No wait, there's alway's Bordon's Elsie... my bad LMAO

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Brycescaper, Have you thought of posting in the Bryce forum. THere are a few very Knowledgable Brycers that post there regularly, and one of them Rashad Carter, regularly uses Bryce 7 and the DS4 bridge. On the old forums he had a couple of threads about using it in the forums. The threads are still there, but because of the limitations of the froum archive you have to play around a bit to get the images to show.

    However if you ask him over in the Bryce forum here, I am sure he can give you some tips for getting it to work.

  • BrycescaperBrycescaper Posts: 148
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Brycescaper, Have you thought of posting in the Bryce forum. THere are a few very Knowledgable Brycers that post there regularly, and one of them Rashad Carter, regularly uses Bryce 7 and the DS4 bridge. On the old forums he had a couple of threads about using it in the forums. The threads are still there, but because of the limitations of the froum archive you have to play around a bit to get the images to show.

    However if you ask him over in the Bryce forum here, I am sure he can give you some tips for getting it to work.

    No, this is a general topic because it covers three issues... Bryce instability, Daz incompatibility, and Daz rush-to publish beta products thwen expecting people paying for them... I couldn't decide which forum would be better than a general commentary on the interaction of multiple Daz products. I will, reposr in thwe Bryce forum, leave my tirade about Daz out of it, and hope someone has a better solution...
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    OK, thanks, that will be a much better solution because, apart from me, not many Brycers venture into the Commons, and normally if Daz3D wants to see how things are with the Bryce community they will scrutinise the Bryce forum.

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969

    The metadata stuff doesn't make anything incompatible. That point needs to be reiterated. The CMS is in addition to, not in replacement of. You can use DS4 with all your old content.

    -- Morgan

  • JohnDelaquioxJohnDelaquiox Posts: 1,184
    edited December 1969

    I did a full system upgrade this year and in doing so I lost three harddrives that I think were part of a bad batch. I had to upgrade to some much smaller seagate harddrives. A 1.5t and a 360g. I am now saving money to buy two seagate momentous hybrid drives. They are much faster and stable than current HDD. Before I swapped out the harddrives studio was giving me a lot of problems. after the swap the almost all the problems stopped. The one remaining problem is only with the current version of studio 4 and with M4 which is no problem because I only use Genesis in studio 4. Studio 3 advanced does everything I need it to. From exporting perfectly to Ds4 Vue Bryce Carrara Reality.

    If you really want a single piece of software that can do everything you want, I can only recommend two. Carrara and Vue.

    To me it sounds like you are way over complicating things.

    I use Daz3 Advanced and 4 Pro for different things. When I first started out with Daz it was version 1.8 and it AWESOME!. 2.1 and 2.2 were virtually unusable. I currently have,, and And all of them can export into Vue as .obj. and I think the latest Carrara has Native support for Studio Content and both in my opinion render better than Bryce.

    I'm going to send you a P.M. with some more information

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    You can just uninstall CMS, after all it is just a content management system, i your content is already organized and sorted you really don't need it.

    I've uninstalled it since DAZ forced it on us in the studio 4 betas, and never had a real issue; I don't consider some clothes not auto fitting an issue.

    If it installs whether I want it to or not, it is being forced on me.

    And don't get me started on my issues with CMS. You know how I get.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,961
    edited July 2012

    ...I hear you on this and agree. In another thread I urged Daz to slow down a bit and get things working right first. was "almost there" but abandoned for the rollout of ver. 4. Now it's back to square one all over again with new bugs and plugins (which Daz Studio depends on) not working.

    3A should have been completed. We were even told that the final issues were to be fixed before a totally new version was released. That never happened with all the focus on Genesis and Studio4. Any further development work on 3A is basically (from what I heard a while back) pretty much a low priority (read "kaput" "finito").

    ...and now the talk I hear is about Studio 5 when studio 4 is still a mess.

    "New and Improved" isn't either when the time isn't taken to actually make it work properly.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
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