Self made Sub-Categories not sorted by alphabet

IllidanstormIllidanstorm Posts: 655
edited May 2018 in New Users

Whenever I create a new Sub-Categorie or Categorie-Path it won't sort itself after the alphabet like the ones that already are there.
When I export my metadata and reinstall DAZ3D however it sorts itself like it should.

Here an example of a freshly installed DAZ3D. the !!!test should be on top.

If I reinstall DAZ3D now it would be fine.

Is there a way I don't have to reinstall DAZ3D every time I create a new Categorie and have it sorted out correctly?

Edit: Apprently if I reset the database and reimport the metadata it is sorted also. I'm still wondering if there is another way.

Post edited by Illidanstorm on


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    That's Smart Content... the only subcathegories I know about are in the Content Library, and they will sort themselves alphabetically once I rightclick on the parent cathegory and hit "refresh" from the menu. No idea if it works the same in Smart Content categories, though.

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