Turning things..

AlfawulfAlfawulf Posts: 174

Where is the adjustment for how tight you can turn the view on things??

Sometimes I can turn on an object in it's footprint...others (And largely out of the blue) I'll suddenly need a parking lot!?!?

Also applies for actually turning a subject....

Dafuq!?!? LOL


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Parameter tab. Use the rotation dials to adjust manually.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    some things have a weird pivot and sadly the send pivot to origin script was pulled, the best you can do in DAZ studio is use the bone editor tool and pull the little red and green arrows to the desired spot then rightclick memorise rigging and save as a new support asset.

  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983

    While navigating in the 3D space of the viewport there is an invisible focus point or pivot point of the Perspective View and the Camera view.

    If you are using the Orbit navigation it will rotate around this point. If you are using something like Dolly sideways or Pan this viewport pivot point can become out of focus - maybe thats the point where the 3D navigation is no longer controllable.

    To set or reset this point first select some figure/item or click a second time to actually select the bodypart and then hit the Frame Selection widget (fourth icon top right) or press Ctrl+F or you can also use Aim At Selection (slightly diffrent effect) with Ctrl+Shift+A (I think this is the default) to have the current view focus on the selection and to let the Orbit rotate around this point.


  • AlfawulfAlfawulf Posts: 174

    While navigating in the 3D space of the viewport there is an invisible focus point or pivot point of the Perspective View and the Camera view.

    If you are using the Orbit navigation it will rotate around this point. If you are using something like Dolly sideways or Pan this viewport pivot point can become out of focus - maybe thats the point where the 3D navigation is no longer controllable.

    To set or reset this point first select some figure/item or click a second time to actually select the bodypart and then hit the Frame Selection widget (fourth icon top right) or press Ctrl+F or you can also use Aim At Selection (slightly diffrent effect) with Ctrl+Shift+A (I think this is the default) to have the current view focus on the selection and to let the Orbit rotate around this point.


    Thanx all!!


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