Using aniBlocks - character rotates when I cut aniblock in half?
Hi, I am using aniBlocks for the first time. I have an animation that Id like to cut in half.
I have done this by dragging the right hand side arrow in and stopping where I want the animation cut. Then copied and pasted aniblock and hope to drag the left arrow to start where the first stops (so i effectively have a pause).
The problem I am having is the character is rotating between the two aniblocks.
Is there a keyframe I need to put in at the end? Im playing with the rotation to add keys but its not working.
Is there a better way to cut aniblocks to add pauses?
I have worked out how to split and crop the aniblocks :) :)
however, I am still getting this rotation issue.. i have tried resetting the translate and rotation to 0 at the beginning and end of the first aniblock (there are two now I have split it) and copying the last keyframe on the first aniblock to the first keyframe of the second aniblock but nothing works!
-im finding when i change the values in the second aniblock to 0 the first aniblock changes to 270 and when i change that the second aniblock changes!
:( :( sorry more problems! aniblocks suck! i thought perhaps i could use an external program to cut and edit, so now I am just trying to lengthen the time, just double the time of the aniblock.. does this work? no.. i have tried dragging the right hand arrow of the aniblock so its longer.. nothing.. have right clicked and added seconds.. nothing..
can anyone help?
.. it all looks so simple in the daz youtube videos i dont know why its not working..
to slow up or speed up Blocks ( look at the top of aniMate timeline there it is ( just hold over them ) tells just what it does )
to add time between Blocks - just drag the block away from the other ..
yes!! these both work!
to slow up aniBlock: i also played with the 'speed' entry at the top of the aniMate timeline - but was increasing it from 100 to 200%, thinking this would slow time when in fact I needed to decrease it to 50% daz works back to front! :O) thankyou!!!
to add time between blocks: this was working but i didnt notice as my character was rotating
- he is still rotating however..!! i dont know what to do here? is there a way to see whats going on in the graph editor? ive looked but cannot see or know how to edit.. there must be some crazy rotation thing in there or the root or something??
yes!! these both work!
to slow up aniBlock: i also played with the 'speed' entry at the top of the aniMate timeline - but was increasing it from 100 to 200%, thinking this would slow time when in fact I needed to decrease it to 50% daz works back to front! :O) thankyou!!!
to add time between blocks: this was working but i didnt notice as my character was rotating
- he is still rotating however..!! i dont know what to do here? is there a way to see whats going on in the graph editor? ive looked but cannot see or know how to edit.. there must be some crazy rotation thing in there or the root or something??
I think it right click - some thing like that .
more info here - link
Yes Im also using the gofigure for reference too.. thanks a lot.. I might try to re animate everything from scratch and see whats going on with the rotation. Its his entire body rotating so Im sure its just one keyframe or perhaps a glitch. thanks for your help :)
About the rotation, inside the aniBlock, if the hip does a Y rotation of more than 27 (I think) degrees at either end of the aniBlock, then the aniBlock thinks that the figure is doing a turn, and will try and rotate the figure.
That's a special aniMate2 thing that you can't do anything about. Check the Y rotation of the hip on the last frame of your split aniBlock.
I cannot see any keyframes now in graph editor.. they seem to have disappeared.. I have looked with the Genesis selected and also just the hip selected.. and I have been playing with the facing direction and reorient start..
I change the facing direction at the beginning of the second block and change it to180 degrees, which works between the first block and the beginning of the second.. but by the end of the second it rotates again..
- perhaps I should use a subtrack to offset?
- i have noticed that on the second aniblock where the rotation occurs there is a line down the middle of the aniblock.. and the rotation happens in one keyframe, just flips and also here the animation has begun from the beginning whereas before i split it, it was the full animation
hey guys, I just revisited this with a fresh mind.. my character was rotated 180 degrees where i placed him in the scene.. i updated his position to 0 rotation and created an aniblock, split it, moved the aniblock along the timeline and hey presto, no random rotating!
thought id post in case anyone else had the same problem.
thats great - keep it up
Add a "sub-track" to your character's animation (Click the + sign on the left of the AniBlocks Timeline)
Add a new "empty block" (Click the icon with the Block and + sign at top) to create a new block, select one with bones)
Double-click this new block and click-drag to highlight block's key frame (they'll turn red)
Now, manually animate the rotation values and they'll stick.
(Hope this makes sense)
when you click on the aniblock itself, the "menu" above it changes, you get new buttons, and couple are named "Reorient Start" and "Reorient loop", click on it and set it to "off", that should fix the unwanted rotation
I was about to throw in the towel with this half backed animation implementation in Daz because of things like this... useless "feature" turned on by default that leaves you thinking - WTF...