Group parenting of props.
I'm sure this is possible, but don't know how to do it. Is possible to select and parent a large group of props to one item all at once? Example, parenting a load of buildings to a ground prop so that the buildings move with the ground, as opposed to parenting each building individually?
Hold the ctrl key down and right-click on the props you want to parent (in the scene tab), release the ctrl key, then right-click on any highlighted item and drag it on top of the desired parent item. Release the right key.
You might want to then right click on the parent, go to the upper left of the screen, to "create - new group". That will create a group that you can use to hide everything easily if you need to.
If all of the props are listed in a block, hold the shift key and click on the first, then the last to select them all.
You can create a null or a group and parent things to that.
Sorry double post.
Thanks guys, I knew there'd be a way (or two)!