(Spotrrender) Rendering for Postwork in ps, 1 full render and 1 specific part?

xXQuatroXxxXQuatroXx Posts: 173
edited May 2018 in New Users
Hey all, Im facing some diff. With some stuff i bought from renderero**** This difficulty isnt to be solved soon so forces me to make 2 of the same 4k renders but one slightly different then the other. The renders take time 6 to 8 so its a but much to render a second one but im forced to do it no other way to go one more render with 6 to 8 hours. But while this second render is going im wondering. Would i be possible to just let the render focus on the part that realy needs the (re)render? Im not talking about zooming the camera in on that part. Because the render can take even longer that way as the details of the scene would make the render longer. Im talking about a specific part within the camera scene to render that instead of the whole scene while keeping the same resolution. So if i do the post work in photoshop it already alligned and i dont have to place it over where i want it to be. Putting out stuff from the scene to render quicker isnt an option as it would effect the lighting in the scene. Looking forward to your answers. Cheers.
Post edited by xXQuatroXx on


  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,120

    Yes, what you want to do is a spot render. Here's a video tutorial about it (how I learned about this useful tool):

  • xXQuatroXxxXQuatroXx Posts: 173
    Oooooh myyyyyyyyy gooood!!!! ???? Damn if i had only known about that.... damn!! Very extreemly usefull indeed For example where scenes need more vram and cant process...this would be very handy in soo soo much more ways then 1. Perfect answer. Thank you so so much
  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,120

    You are very welcome! This tool will be your new best friend, trust me. Wished I'd known about it way sooner than I did! Would've saved me so much time :D.

  • xXQuatroXxxXQuatroXx Posts: 173
    When i do a spot render in like 4k and the spot is like 720P it any Idea to why its still slow in rendering? Should be much faster dan the standard right?
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