Morphing face

giampiagiampia Posts: 13

Hi everybody. I'm sure it's a simple question, but I don't find the answers (maybe I use wrong keywords)
I nedd to apply a real photo of a person on a Genesis8 male figure, so can personalize a portrait.
How it works?

Thanks a lot!


  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    In order to create a facsimile of a real person using G8M (or any 3d figure), two things are required: you need to morph the features (the mesh) of the figure to approximate the features of the person, and you need to create and apply a texture map created from your photographs of the real person, to the figure. There are programs available that attempt to do just that, such as Facegen. It is also possible to do it manually as well. However, it is important that both the texture maps and the morph both be reasonable approximations if you want the result to be convincing. Neither one nor the other alone will get you there.

    If you simply want to create a a texture for G8M from photographs of a real person, that can be done, but not directly in DAZ Studio. You must use a texture template for G8M that is based upon that figure's UV mapping, and try to fit the photographs to the correct position on the texture templates using an image-editing program such as Photoshop. It is far from a simple cut-and-paste operation, which you will soon discover if you attempt it. If you really are serious about it, then you need to look up some tutorials about texture creation for 3D figures - be prepared for some serious time and effort, as good texture creation is not for the faint-of-heart, photographs or not. Or you could go the Facegen route, which is the easiest option, but the program is not free.

  • giampiagiampia Posts: 13

    Wow! Thank you! You've been exhaustive. My purpose concerning daz is the study of reference models for my paintings. If the road to Facegen is the simplest one, I will certainly follow it. I've already downloaded it and I try the demo version.
    Thank you very much you have been very helpful!

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    No problem, giampia.

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