Can you Morph just the hands?

I am trying to make my gangsters hands larger like a typical enforcer. Is there a way to do this in one action or do I have to chose each bone and scale it up. I have tried several methods and all have completely failed but my toolbox is woefully limited. Selecting a group of bones seems like a start but where do I go from there?


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    I don't know what character you have, but usually, in the Shaping tab, go to "Actor", find "Hands", and use the scale morph there. In G8, it's called "Hand Propagation Scale".

  • HA! Great Bill Murray's Ghost! You just made my Christmas list! Thank you so much! WOW what da hell, so cool.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    Actually what you are looking for is the "Hand Propagating Scale" dial (actor - hands - real world). this would probably be better than just scaling to avoid any issues down the road.

  • Cool then BeeMKay saved me from my evil time jumping clone after all. Thank you both. My crazy super hero Renders are becoming realities.

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