How does Victoria 8 work?

I have just abandoned poser in favour of Daz so I can get in on the new Genesis 8 female model. A few questions:

1) If I get buy Victoria 8 will all costumes work for her that say that they are compatible with Genesis 8 or do I have to search out V8 ones only?

2) Can I buy lighting presets like I did for Poser? What are some good ones for some nice colourful glamour shots?

3) Where is a good place to get some good iRay settings? I've got a 4790k with a GTX980 overclocked and could probably get some decent renders. The current ones look really spotty if you know what I mean.

4) Are there normal extra morphs like the ones I bought for Poser V4 i.e. the extra muscle ones and massive array of breast ones (for science)

Loads more but I'd be grateful for some help here, I'm quite intimidated by the Daz interface ... got so used to Poser.


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    First of all, welcome! And I hope that the transition will be smooth, but I know from experience that it can be rather frutstrating at  times, so don't give up.

    First of all, if you haven't, take a look at the video tuutorials. They are free and will give you a quick intro into things:

    To use Victoria 8, you have to have Genesis 8 Starter Essentials downloaded and installed. Vicky is a morph set for that one, but the essentials are free.

    To answer your questions,

    1) You can use all clothing that is made for Genesis 8 Female, and usually also all clothing that is made for Genesis 8 Male (though there might be some boob distortion of textures, and shrinkwrapping.

    You also can use Genesis 3 clothing, using Autofit, and if you purchase the clones, even lower versions.

    2) Light settings - for indoor or outdoor lights? And do you have any specific requirements to what type of light you want? I mean, "good" in my book can be something completely different than in your book.

    3) Render settings... You can't force things, an image will take a certain number of iterations to look good. More light will render faster, not all light sources render equally fast, and it mostly depends on if you want to do indoor or outdoor images. I have a 980Ti and my render times are anywhere between a few minutes and 8 hours and more.

    4) Yes. Have you had a look at the shaping tab? I think it comes with some base size boob settings. Otherwise, you will have to buy the Base body morphs, and probably movement morphs as well. The muscularity morphs, yes, there are some. Search "Massive" in the store. The Base Morphs come with a bodybuilder set, I think.

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384
    edited June 2018

    To add a note to Bee's excellent advice, I would strongly advise against maintaining that overclock on your GTX 980 that you mentioned. That may be fine for games, but rendering with your GPU is a whole different kettle of fish. I would be inclined to return it to factory settings for rendering. Your card, your call.

    Post edited by SixDs on
  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    3) Where is a good place to get some good iRay settings? I've got a 4790k with a GTX980 overclocked and could probably get some decent renders. The current ones look really spotty if you know what I mean.

    Adding to what SixDs said, the quality of an Iray render is nothing to do with the speed of the render. You might get a better render from adjusting the Iray render settings, but it's much more likely you'll see an improvement from adjusting your lighting and/or adjusting materials settings.

    Also, running a 3D render is one of the most straining things your computer will ever do, at the best of times, much more so than running a game — the hardware (especially the cooling system) will be running at full capacity non-stop for much longer than usual. There's not much advantage to overclocking your 980, and a much higher chance of suffering a smoke-emitting error.

  • Can't agree more about the no overclock. I had a hell of a time when I started because I had my gpu overclocked as well and would get a lot of crashes and what not, as well as my PC would turn into a fighter jet with it's afterburners running full bore. Turning off the over clock stopped all this. I use MSI Afterburner (hmmm... pun not intended) which is nice for all the monitoring, but the overclock was killing my system. I still keep it running now when I render, mostly for the monitoring and fan curves, but dialed the OC off completely. 

    Another thing that may help is playing with the Render settings a bit. I know that doesn't help, but what I did was I took some object that were pretty small and did  a bunch of test renders on them to find setting I liked. Alos there is a lot of good stuff on Youtube for tutorials and such, I learned a lot from the Official Daz tutorials, and there's a wealth of knowledge from users as well. This program has so many layers and different things it can do that it's pretty daunting at first, hell I've been going over things for months now and I've not even scratched the surface of what all the settings and tools can do.

  • BeeMKay said:

    First of all, welcome! And I hope that the transition will be smooth, but I know from experience that it can be rather frutstrating at  times, so don't give up.

    First of all, if you haven't, take a look at the video tuutorials. They are free and will give you a quick intro into things:

    To use Victoria 8, you have to have Genesis 8 Starter Essentials downloaded and installed. Vicky is a morph set for that one, but the essentials are free.

    To answer your questions,

    1) You can use all clothing that is made for Genesis 8 Female, and usually also all clothing that is made for Genesis 8 Male (though there might be some boob distortion of textures, and shrinkwrapping.

    You also can use Genesis 3 clothing, using Autofit, and if you purchase the clones, even lower versions.

    2) Light settings - for indoor or outdoor lights? And do you have any specific requirements to what type of light you want? I mean, "good" in my book can be something completely different than in your book.

    3) Render settings... You can't force things, an image will take a certain number of iterations to look good. More light will render faster, not all light sources render equally fast, and it mostly depends on if you want to do indoor or outdoor images. I have a 980Ti and my render times are anywhere between a few minutes and 8 hours and more.

    4) Yes. Have you had a look at the shaping tab? I think it comes with some base size boob settings. Otherwise, you will have to buy the Base body morphs, and probably movement morphs as well. The muscularity morphs, yes, there are some. Search "Massive" in the store. The Base Morphs come with a bodybuilder set, I think.

    Thanks so much for the response. So to clarify:

    1) I can search anything made for Genesis 8 and not worry about it also being Victoria 8 compatible. Out of curiosity, what then is the point  of having the Victora 8 install i.e. what extra stuff to I get with that?

    2) this is basically what I'm aiming for - nice bright colours indoor. I got this as a preset from a V4 character a while ago. Any tips?

    3) Is there a standard setting that you use that I could use as a starting point?

    4) Ok I will watch some videos and have a look.

    Thanks again for the response.

  • SixDs said:

    To add a note to Bee's excellent advice, I would strongly advise against maintaining that overclock on your GTX 980 that you mentioned. That may be fine for games, but rendering with your GPU is a whole different kettle of fish. I would be inclined to return it to factory settings for rendering. Your card, your call.

    Noted, I will leave it as is. Many thanks

  • 3) Where is a good place to get some good iRay settings? I've got a 4790k with a GTX980 overclocked and could probably get some decent renders. The current ones look really spotty if you know what I mean.

    Adding to what SixDs said, the quality of an Iray render is nothing to do with the speed of the render. You might get a better render from adjusting the Iray render settings, but it's much more likely you'll see an improvement from adjusting your lighting and/or adjusting materials settings.

    Also, running a 3D render is one of the most straining things your computer will ever do, at the best of times, much more so than running a game — the hardware (especially the cooling system) will be running at full capacity non-stop for much longer than usual. There's not much advantage to overclocking your 980, and a much higher chance of suffering a smoke-emitting error.

    This is really helpful - I will leave the card as is. Many thanks.

  • Can't agree more about the no overclock. I had a hell of a time when I started because I had my gpu overclocked as well and would get a lot of crashes and what not, as well as my PC would turn into a fighter jet with it's afterburners running full bore. Turning off the over clock stopped all this. I use MSI Afterburner (hmmm... pun not intended) which is nice for all the monitoring, but the overclock was killing my system. I still keep it running now when I render, mostly for the monitoring and fan curves, but dialed the OC off completely. 

    Another thing that may help is playing with the Render settings a bit. I know that doesn't help, but what I did was I took some object that were pretty small and did  a bunch of test renders on them to find setting I liked. Alos there is a lot of good stuff on Youtube for tutorials and such, I learned a lot from the Official Daz tutorials, and there's a wealth of knowledge from users as well. This program has so many layers and different things it can do that it's pretty daunting at first, hell I've been going over things for months now and I've not even scratched the surface of what all the settings and tools can do.

    It seems to be a common theme here amongst the messages! It's funny you say Jet fighter, the first day I used MSI Afterburn and heard my 3 fans on full on my G1 GTX980, I thought it sounded like a jet fighter.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    BeeMKay said:

    First of all, welcome! And I hope that the transition will be smooth, but I know from experience that it can be rather frutstrating at  times, so don't give up.

    First of all, if you haven't, take a look at the video tuutorials. They are free and will give you a quick intro into things:

    To use Victoria 8, you have to have Genesis 8 Starter Essentials downloaded and installed. Vicky is a morph set for that one, but the essentials are free.

    To answer your questions,

    1) You can use all clothing that is made for Genesis 8 Female, and usually also all clothing that is made for Genesis 8 Male (though there might be some boob distortion of textures, and shrinkwrapping.

    You also can use Genesis 3 clothing, using Autofit, and if you purchase the clones, even lower versions.

    2) Light settings - for indoor or outdoor lights? And do you have any specific requirements to what type of light you want? I mean, "good" in my book can be something completely different than in your book.

    3) Render settings... You can't force things, an image will take a certain number of iterations to look good. More light will render faster, not all light sources render equally fast, and it mostly depends on if you want to do indoor or outdoor images. I have a 980Ti and my render times are anywhere between a few minutes and 8 hours and more.

    4) Yes. Have you had a look at the shaping tab? I think it comes with some base size boob settings. Otherwise, you will have to buy the Base body morphs, and probably movement morphs as well. The muscularity morphs, yes, there are some. Search "Massive" in the store. The Base Morphs come with a bodybuilder set, I think.

    Thanks so much for the response. So to clarify:

    1) I can search anything made for Genesis 8 and not worry about it also being Victoria 8 compatible. Out of curiosity, what then is the point  of having the Victora 8 install i.e. what extra stuff to I get with that?

    2) this is basically what I'm aiming for - nice bright colours indoor. I got this as a preset from a V4 character a while ago. Any tips?

    3) Is there a standard setting that you use that I could use as a starting point?

    4) Ok I will watch some videos and have a look.

    Thanks again for the response.

    As far as CLOTHES are concerened, that is correct. However, if you want to buy CHARACTERS based on Victoria 8, you will need her to achieve the look, as the morphs for Vicki 8 are used as a base for that other character. The "advantage" of V8 over just the base G8F is that she has better skin, a couple of makeup and eye colours, comes with a different shape from the base, and you'll need her for some characters. Also, some poses are made for V8, using her bdy shape as base. When you use such a pose on G8F, she might need some readjustments.

    Lights... seems that your best option is a couple of spotlights for the crispiness, and some meshlights for the overall lighting. Have you experimented with the lights in studio?

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    There's not much advantage to overclocking your 980, and a much higher chance of suffering a smoke-emitting error.

    This is really helpful - I will leave the card as is. Many thanks.

    I'll let you into a secret — computer equipment runs on magic smoke. If there's a leak, the smoke gets out, and it won't work any more.  

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