Corrupted download links = 1298ggh2i123ujh1g34u5y2ui34yg5k
I seem to get strange errors when trying to download from the store.
The download links provided, seems corrupted.
When i click the links, nothing happens.
When i use Firefox, it crashes.
When i use IE9, then i get a Save As message after 5-10 minutes saying:
Do you want to save 442faaa8889dfg8987df87g687 from
And i can not save a rubbish string to anything usable...
What is going on? :)
I tried 8-9 times now... no difference.
It mess up every single time, and i can not save the products.
Am i the only one, experiencing this?
I've had the same problem with IE9, but (so far) no problems with Google Chrome - could you perhaps try that?
Thanks for the hint about Chrome.
But no. I hate everything related to Google and Chrome...Facebook, Twitter, and stuff like that :)
I use FireFox 13.0.1 and IE 9.0.8112.16421
I would hate to use 3 different browsers :)
And since most websites on the Internet work with Firefox and IE.
I assume there is something wrong here?
With the corrections going on, try clearing your cache.
I wonder if 3DContentDownloader would handle this?
I haven't got the bug, yet, on Firefox. Maybe it is the cache, though.
Thanks for the replies and suggestions.
I tried to clear cache and cookies last night, before bedtime.
It made no difference. Problem sustained. Download links still corrupted.
I tried again, this afternoon, approx. 14 hours later.
And the download links worked fine, and i could download and install the products.
So it is all good now.
But whatever the problem really was... is still unknown :)
Case solved. Thanks :)
Our team knows that some are having issues with downloads. We are trying to find the problem.
It is good to know that you are aware of it, and tracking it.
I just tried to download 8 new items(4 products), using Firefox.
One of the products crashed Firefox.
But at restart, Firefox tried to recover the lost stuff, in a new browser.
By re-establishing the crashed session.
A windows error message about something related to... chains..
I am running Win7 64 bit, with all updates.
But i got the stuff downloaded from the links in my Outlook(MS Office Pro edition)
So it is all ok now.
But still, something strange happens with the download procedure, now and then, that i know.
Hope the info is of use.