Lights problems

  • I purchased this product with all the textures. 

  • COD 17901

  • I would like to turn on the headlights of the car but I do not know how to do itcrying



  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited July 2018

    You are refering to this product, yes?

    The model is a 3Delight model, so it has textures that are made for the 3Delight render engine. Are you rendering in 3Delight, or do you use the (default) Iray render engine? The answer depends on the render engine.

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • dannagiusy64dannagiusy64 Posts: 467

    I always use default iray engine

  • dannagiusy64dannagiusy64 Posts: 467

    I'm doing render tests with this scenario COD: 37741 and all its lights. He says he should turn on the lights even in the cars. but it does not. Rendering is just a test as you can see

    600 x 900 - 1M
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    I can't know that you always use the default engine, which is why I am asking.

    Can you please post the link instead of the SKU? That will save me time to find the product. Thank you. :-)

    This product:

    It doesn't say anywhere in the product description that it will "turn on all the lights", especially the ones that aren't from the set itself. However, even if it has a setting that will switch on all the lights, it will only do so for the surfaces that are Iray surfaces (or, if you have loaded the 3Delight version, it would do so for the 3Delight lights. However, 3Delight lights do not give lights in Iray.

    For Iray, you first have to convert the car's surface to Iray, using the Iray Uber Base shader. When you apply it, select all the surfaces of the car, and hit the shift key, and in the window that opens, use the Ignore" option:

    Once you have applied the Iray shader settings, in the Surface tab, find the Light surface (Not sure how they are called in FutuCar). Locate the Emission Color setting and change that from black to white. Once you have changed that, scroll to the Lumiance Units and change them from cd/m² to kcd/m². Your light should then give enough light to be seen and light other things. You probably will have to play around with the lumiance strenght to make the light less bright/brighter.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Since it's a 3Delight item in Iray you will need to adjust the lights yourself - I don't have the model, but go to Tools>Surface selection, click on the headlights, then in the Presets tab of the Surfaces pane go to Shaders>Iray and double-click the Emissive preset. You can then adjust the settings under Emission in the Editor tab of the Surfaces pane to get the desired colour and intensity.

  • dannagiusy64dannagiusy64 Posts: 467

    thanks for your answer. I will do some tests smiley

  • dannagiusy64dannagiusy64 Posts: 467

    Thanks to you and a friend who supported me this is the result wink

    1900 x 1900 - 954K
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