Lighting an indoor scene with only outdoor light? (IRAY)
Anyone know of a tutorial that explanis how to light a room with outdoor light? For example we have a living room with one big window. Obviously you set the directional light or sun-sky light towards the window so the light fills the room, but for some reason I can't get this to fill the room with light in a way that looks right.
Is there a tutorial for this? Maybe one of you guys can explain how to get this done? Thanks
Have you set the Tone Mapping to let more light into the camera? Also use the Architectural filter. You could also try setting a Portal light at the window.
Iray Light Portals
Light Portals allow you to “hint” to the renderer the location of openings where light might naturally come in through windows for interior scenes. Since sun and sky lighting can often be too bright for indoor scenes, these portals account for how much and where light enters a room. How effective these portals are at “guessing” where light might appear is dependent on your scene and how large the “windows” in the scene are.
Since a significant amount of illumination comes through windows, larger windows may let in too much light when using light portals. This illumination through the windows is not dominated by direct sunlight or other very bright regions in the environment, so comparing two rendered images—one with light portals, one without—can help you see if they are beneficial to your scene.
To begin using a Light Portal, you must first enable the Caustic Sampler property in the Optimization group found in either the Render Settings or Draw Settings panes. Then add a Spotlight or a Point Light to your scene. A Light Portal property appears under the Light > Area group when the Photometric Mode is enabled and the Light Geometry property is set to Rectangle in the Parameters pane. Enabling this Light Portal property causes the light to be seen by the Iray renderer as a light portal instead of as a light.
I followed all your steps and setup a point light at the window to be used as a light portal, but no light is coming from it.I tried all the environment modes, but light won't come out of the point light portal.
Do you know of a a tutorial that explains this process in depth? I probably missed something.
I set caustics sampler to on. I switched the point light to rectangle, photometric is on. Light portal setting is on.
I'm trying to setup a light portal to help the sun-sky light fill a room with light, but the light portal just wont' work. I have caustics sampler on. I configured the portal light to work as a light portal, so the light portal is set to on, but it does nothing to help sun-sky light fill the room.
Is the glass in the window set to thin glass and is it letting light through? Even try removing the glass completely.
Situations in which there is a sun node are situations in which the prortal is not expected to help. When there's a strong light source Iray is, supposedly, good at figuring the priority out for itself. If the sun is shinging at the windows but not entering the room I'd check for other possible issues (such as a sky-dome or other backdrop mesh obscuring the window)
Merged two threads on the same topic - please post only one thread on any subject.
The other topic was about the lack of light portal tutorials. This thread is about lighting an indoor scene with outdoor light which can be about many other solutions, not just light portals.
There's no glass, I purposely left it out when learning about light in a new 3d app.
If the sun isn't doing it then try a distant light at 4500 or 5500 temperature and 10000 lumens at /cm2. Select the light in the viewport so you are looking through it and shine it through the window.