When my floor is at 0 on the Y, the point light reveals a square pattern. What is happening?
I have a DAZ scene with only a floor and a point light.
When the floor is at 0 on the Y, a square shows up.
If I move the floor up by 20 and the point light up by 20, the square goes away, what [is happening]?
Where is that square coming from? What could be causing that?
edited to remove profanity
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
No, it's configured as sphere. No matter the configuration, that square still shows up.
When I raise the ground by 20 points and raise the point light by 20 points the problem goes away. That's what has me baffled.
This means in every DAZ studio project I have to raise the the ground by 20? That sucks.
Can you do a test in DAZ to confirm the problem?
Just put something non-reflective on the ground as a floor. Then make a point light.
Are you using Iray or 3DL? If you're using Iray, go into Render Settings, Environment tab, and change Draw Ground to Off and see if that makes a difference.
I tried that, the problem still persists.
It seems to only be a problem with tiled surfaces. Tiling has something to do with it. If I use an untiled surface, the problem doesn't happen.
Which shader are you using? Did you change something in the render settings? Try clicking on default there and see if the problem still exists.
The problem shows up in renders too.
I was using uber base shader with a base color texture that's tiled by about 20, that's it. The problem has to do with tiled textures and point lights.
Fortunately mesh lights don't seem to cause the problem.
I can't replicate the problem.
Here I have a 5x5 meter plane with a shader. Even when it's tiled by 100 it looks fine.
My guess is that it's the shaders fault, or you changed something in the render settings. But if you pressed on default and it still exist then it must be the shader. Try another one.
Is that set to scene only? What happens if you do dome & scene?