When I rotate the camera, the scene is pitch black.
I have the draw & render set to NVIDIA Iray. The only problem is when I rotate the camera, everything is black. Is there anyway to light the scene so when I rotate the camera I can see everything? When I 'm not rotating or panning the camera, the scene is lit just fine.
Post edited by Flortale on
When you rotate or pan the viewport reverts to Smooth Shaded view. You may need to switch to texture Sahded dispaly for camera placement, and perhaps turn Preview Lights off - Window men, default shortcut cmd(Mac0/ctrl(Win) L.
I think I need a light in the scene that is dedicated to lighting the workspace, but won't show up in the render. Is that possible?
Here's the problem:
When I rotate or pan the camera or perspective view, it turns all black. That's a room by the way.
I figured it out. I have to use the perspective camera to move around, not a newly created camera. There's probably a way to configure a camera to behave like a perspective camera when you pan & rotate.