Working Decals and I have a couple questions

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

I was recently hipped to the existence of decals in Daz and I've toyed with it a little to get the hang of it but I just had a few quick questions

I know that decals are only visible in NVIDIA Viewport Mode but I can't seem to find where that is. Currently I'm just placing the box arond the object/area I want it and spot rendering to see if it's right.

Also, I have had some trouble with applying textures. I am looking for a wet skin effect but my water shaders don't seem to show up very clearly (might be my lighting in the scene) so I was shifting between different shaders and playing with the base color and opacity settings. After while, any shader I tried decided it wasn't going to show up. I even went drastic and tried a blood shader to at least make it visible. I had the decal selected in surfaces and applied it just like I had before. It just seemed like Daz gor tired of my indecision and just decided it wasn't going to play anymore. So I deleted the decal and tried again, and boom, back in business. Can anyone shed any light on this?

Lastly, is there a way to make the edges irregular? As it stands, if I apply a decal to the hand and render, where the box stops there is a very clear, straight line. Can you pull/push the boundries of the box somehow or is that done on another program?

Thanks for any info anyone may have.



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