Facial expressions.....can they be saved?

I create a lot of different facial expressions but haven't been able to find an option to save just the [removed]like a pose or a camera can be saved) At the moment I writing all the settings in word documents.
Is there any way to save a facial expression for future use?
Have you tried saving as a 'Pose Preset' from the Save As menu?
I just tried this, and it works for Genesis. Save it into the Presets folder in your DAZ Library (either My Library, or My DAZ 3D Library)
Wouldn't a pose preset also save whatever pose the body was in? not just the face expression?
The default is to save everything, but you can change that.
After selecting the filename to save in, the Pose Preset Save Options window is displayed, where you can check all the things you want saved and uncheck all the things you don't want saved. In your example I think you might want to uncheck the top level to uncheck everything, then expand the tree out until you can see the head, then check the head and everything below it.
Thanks I'll try that.
On a side note I noticed a section of text has been removed from my original post, I hope I didn't make a spelling mistake and end up with an inappropriate word by accident. If that was the case I apologize to everyone concerned
:question: This is something that the software has done. What did you have there that was removed by the software. Can you remember?
We have come across this action before, and it is usually triggered by the use of something in conjunction with the opening parenthesis, but we are not at all certain really what does trigger it.
Can't remember, but the removed section was probably something like "expression itself (just"
hope that helps
The default is to save everything, but you can change that.
After selecting the filename to save in, the Pose Preset Save Options window is displayed, where you can check all the things you want saved and uncheck all the things you don't want saved. In your example I think you might want to uncheck the top level to uncheck everything, then expand the tree out until you can see the head, then check the head and everything below it.
Apologies for double posting/bumping, Just wanted to say the quoted advice worked like a charm...thank you!
ah right, yes that could make sense, let me try save just the [removed]like a pose or a camera can be saved)
yes the word expression, coupled with the parenthesis seems to trigger this. hmmm
Well isn't it nice that someone was finally able to help you and get that solved? :) (the forum software issue. Well, not solved, but at least we know what is triggering it now)
yes it is certain words, always followed by something in parenthesis. Still not sure why, but presumably someone who is used to coding or scripting things could narrow it down a bit more.
Something the the forum software doesn't like, whatever it is.
Really weird error though, has happened before, this is not the first time.
Is there a new method to save facial poses after version 4.9? It seems like everything I can find is 4.7 or earlier, and something has changed?
No, the old methods should still apply. Note that in Genesis 3 and 8 most of the work is done by bones, not morphs - however, the controls are still on the figure node.
Brilliant thanks found it in the depreceated file xx