Press F4 in DAZ3D go to content, Content Directory Manager, DAZ Studio Formats . Thats the folder where you should put your files. If the files are inside a content folder, don't put the content folder there but whats inside (Runtime, People, Presets, etc.)
After that you have to reimport the metadata if you want to use smart content.
The My Daz Connect Library is not set up as a regular content directory, it's for items installed bvia Connect. If you did want to use it as a regular content diectory, it would be the My Daz Connect Library you'd use and you would unzip content to that folder, not to /data/cloud.
Press F4 in DAZ3D go to content, Content Directory Manager, DAZ Studio Formats . Thats the folder where you should put your files. If the files are inside a content folder, don't put the content folder there but whats inside (Runtime, People, Presets, etc.)
After that you have to reimport the metadata if you want to use smart content.
hehe It was actually F2 but I found it under "Preferences". Thanks, I found it! :D
The My Daz Connect Library is not set up as a regular content directory, it's for items installed bvia Connect. If you did want to use it as a regular content diectory, it would be the My Daz Connect Library you'd use and you would unzip content to that folder, not to /data/cloud.
Note one gotcha that sometimes confuses people; "the content folder" is not "the folder named Content", it's "the folder containing your content files". The actual folder name is whatever's defined in the Content Directory Manager settings. It's common to see installers from non-DAZ sources that use the folder name "Content" because the default name has changed several times over the years in various D|S updates, and that was one of the early defaults.
Note one gotcha that sometimes confuses people; "the content folder" is not "the folder named Content", it's "the folder containing your content files". The actual folder name is whatever's defined in the Content Directory Manager settings. It's common to see installers from non-DAZ sources that use the folder name "Content" because the default name has changed several times over the years in various D|S updates, and that was one of the early defaults.
If you mean anything like the RAR you mentioned in your first post, no — DIM can only download and install stuff you buy from the DAZ store, which will always be in a .zip archive. I think I've heard of a utility that converts a non-DAZ installer into something that will work in DIM, but I didn't really take much notice of it since I always install content manually myself.
Okay no worries. I extracted one of the zips. In the ziip it had a folder "Content" and the following two files: "Manifest.dsx", "Supplement.dsx". Under "Content" were the folders: "Data", "People", and "Runtime". I directly extracted these three folders to: Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Daz Connect Library
I loaded up DAZ 4.10 and it didm't seem to pick up the new content. :( What am I doing wrong?
I directly extracted these three folders to: Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Daz Connect Library
I loaded up DAZ 4.10 and it didm't seem to pick up the new content. :( What am I doing wrong?
You're doing it the wrong way round. The "My Daz Connect Library" folder is exactly what it says on the tin — it's a Connect folder location for installing content with Connect, which is done from inside the DAZ|Studio program. Installing manually or with DIM must use any of the other folder locations you should have found in the Content Directory Manager settings.
Press F4 in DAZ3D go to content, Content Directory Manager, DAZ Studio Formats . Thats the folder where you should put your files. If the files are inside a content folder, don't put the content folder there but whats inside (Runtime, People, Presets, etc.)
After that you have to reimport the metadata if you want to use smart content.
The My Daz Connect Library is not set up as a regular content directory, it's for items installed bvia Connect. If you did want to use it as a regular content diectory, it would be the My Daz Connect Library you'd use and you would unzip content to that folder, not to /data/cloud.
hehe It was actually F2 but I found it under "Preferences". Thanks, I found it! :D
Yes, that was it. Thanks!!
Okay so here: "Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Daz Connect Library"? Will this let me use DIM, or will DAZ3D simply "see" the files?
Note one gotcha that sometimes confuses people; "the content folder" is not "the folder named Content", it's "the folder containing your content files". The actual folder name is whatever's defined in the Content Directory Manager settings. It's common to see installers from non-DAZ sources that use the folder name "Content" because the default name has changed several times over the years in various D|S updates, and that was one of the early defaults.
Thanks! Can I use DIM with my file(s)?
If you mean anything like the RAR you mentioned in your first post, no — DIM can only download and install stuff you buy from the DAZ store, which will always be in a .zip archive. I think I've heard of a utility that converts a non-DAZ installer into something that will work in DIM, but I didn't really take much notice of it since I always install content manually myself.
Okay no worries. I extracted one of the zips. In the ziip it had a folder "Content" and the following two files: "Manifest.dsx", "Supplement.dsx". Under "Content" were the folders: "Data", "People", and "Runtime". I directly extracted these three folders to: Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Daz Connect Library
I loaded up DAZ 4.10 and it didm't seem to pick up the new content. :( What am I doing wrong?
This is a Step-by-step about installing Non-DAZ content to DS, with images:
It doesn't have the Connect folder in the screenshots as it is pre-connect, but it might give help you... I hope.
You're doing it the wrong way round. The "My Daz Connect Library" folder is exactly what it says on the tin — it's a Connect folder location for installing content with Connect, which is done from inside the DAZ|Studio program. Installing manually or with DIM must use any of the other folder locations you should have found in the Content Directory Manager settings.
Okay got it. I had to make a folder called "My Library" under "Studio" and it picked it right up. Thanks @spottedkitty and everyone else!