STEP BY STEP How do I create a character morph?

Ok guys... I KNOW there are tutorials out there, but all the tutorials I've found so far seem to leave out a crucial step. I've exported the Genesis 8 Female mesh as a .obj file. I imported that into Hexagon and made the changes to the face that I wanted to make. I then exported the CHANGED mesh as a .obj file using the same scale I used when I exported it from DS to begin with. So I can now import it into Daz Studio BUT... What do I do next? Every, and I mean EVERY tutorial I've found leaves out that crucial step of how to convert the imported .obj file into a Daz Studio morph file. Now that I have it imported and at the right size and scale, all I basically have is a human-shaped brick that's only useable as a statue. How do I turn it into a character morph?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    You don't import the OBJ as such, you have the figure selected and use one of the Morph Loaders from the Edit>Figure menu.

  • M1d4zBAlM1d4zBAl Posts: 16

    Ok; used Edit>Figure>Morph Loader Pro; in the Morph Loader Pro window... Choose Morph Files>selected the .obj I made changes to and clicked Accept; no other changes or options used in the Morph Loader Pro window; and...  "Warning: Geometry did not match, failed to create morph." When I use Morph Loader Advanced instead...  "One ore more of the files had no effect. See log for details." Any idea what happened and can you tell me where to find the log at?

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    You need to zero out Genesis 8 and set to base resolution and delete the eyelash geograft before exporting.

  • M1d4zBAlM1d4zBAl Posts: 16

    Ok... how do I zero out and what is base resolution? Also, could I use the Genesis 8 Dev Load? Would that work?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Dev Load will give you a clean starting point, yes.

  • M1d4zBAlM1d4zBAl Posts: 16

    Ok; found the tab that let's me set resolution to base. Do I need to change SubDivision Level or Render SubD Level?

  • M1d4zBAlM1d4zBAl Posts: 16

    Also forgot to ask; is it better to use Morph Loader Advanced or Morph Loader Pro? I've not gotten either to work so far, but I'm hoping my luck will change :-p

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    I went to the live recording of that webinar, and it covers all steps.

    As for your question, if you set Mesh Resolution to base in the dropdown field, the subdivision sliders shouldn't do much. But to be save, push them both to Zero.

  • M1d4zBAlM1d4zBAl Posts: 16

    Thanks for pointing me to the webinar. Unfortunately, I don't have enough to spend on it; that's why I'm asking here. Ok; gave it a try using blender this time. I used Morph Loader Pro and got the message: "Loading morph Character00...  No deltas for morph, skipping node. Created morph successfully." So in theory, I've created a morph. Unfortunately, I don't know where DS has stored it. In other tutorial I've found on the web, creating a new morph causes a "Morphs" tab to show up under the Parameters pane. Can't find a "Morphs" tab or folder anywhere. Any ideas where DS might have stored it?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    If it didn't find any deltas (changes in vertex position) it may not have created a morph. Morph Loader pro does default to the Morphs group, but if you click the triangle next to the OBJ name in the dialogue you can set options - including the path.

  • M1d4zBAlM1d4zBAl Posts: 16

    Ok; I can change the path using morph loader ADVANCED; can't find the triangle you're talking about in morph loader pro. Actually got a morph to show up under "Actor" using morph loader advanced, but it didn't change the character at all. Looks like DS isn't detecting the changes I've made for some reason....  Ok; gonna call it a day for now. I'm spinning my wheels getting nowhere and it's supper time here. Thanks everyone for all your help and sorry to be such a nuisance. I'll give it another go some other time.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    There are a couple of useful tutorial over in Novica's thread; there's several posts

    I tink the fifth post has something about MorphLoader, and there's several other Tutorials in this and the other posts that have Morph stuff in them. I'm not certain if that will help you, but just saying that she has a cool collection of links there.


  • btetzelibtetzeli Posts: 2

    This is very good tutorial. A couple of things I don't remember whether or not it mentions (I know it skipped at least one of the below).

    - you need to make the morph just using the naked figure. Don't save to an .obj file if it has any clothes, props, etc.

    - before you load the morph back into the original figure, make sure it's zeroed out and the mesh resolution level is set to base and the subdivision level is set to 0 - just the way it was when you saved the morph.

  • M1d4zBAlM1d4zBAl Posts: 16

    Sorry not to comment in so long; been a bit busy here.

    -BeeMkay: Thanks for that link. I've bookmarked the it for future referencer; a LOT of info there and it's going to take me some time to get through it.

    -btetzli: 1) I've been using the character marked 'Genesis 8 Dev Load' in SmartContent which loads ONLY the base Genesis 8 mesh; doesn't even load a texture to it let alone any attachments so I know that isn't causing the problem, though I'm pretty sure it's still operator error :p 2) I've made sure that all rotatations, scaling, translastion, etc. are zeroed and I don't use subdivisions at all when I'm making changes. So the CHANGED mesh IS all zeroed out before I try loading it as a morph. I also zero the Genesis 8 mesh before I export it to make changes to.

    My thanks to all for the help. From what I can tell, DAZ Studio just isn't detecting the changes I've made for some reason. Keep in mind the only modeling software I've ever used up until now is Blender, which works a lot differently. It's most likely some very basic, dumb step that I'm leaving out or forgetting to do that's causing all the trouble. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.

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