Where are the materials?

Hello there. I used to do a lot of 3D work with Poser a few years ago but I took some time off from the hobby back in 2013 because I became a father. I'm trying to get back into it but I quickly realized that using Poser with Genesis figures is either impossible or so much work that it's just not worth it. So I'm trying to bludgion my way through learning DAZ Studio but I HATE the interface with the heat of 1,000 suns. Nothing seems easy or logical. Right now I am rendering in 3Delight because the horror that is Iray is just more than I want to tackle right now when I am learning. But I have a situation where one part of a prop is just showing WAY too bright and I want to try and adjust it. In Poser, I could get in and fiddle with the materials and all that. I imagine (hope?) I can do the same thing in Studio, but I can't even begin to find where you do that. I'm pretty close to giving this hobby up again but I'd really like to find a way to make it work with this horrible program. Does anybody have any suggestions as to how to figure this all out? I'm beyond frustrated at this point.


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