saving for C8pro
Posts: 252
hello!!! I have a conflict between Kapersky and C8,5 pro, yesterday, and , before I realize what I have checked, the soft was uninstalled.. I was using genesis, and probably something turn wrong... So, two questions: is it a way to save a 8,5 file, to be opened after with 8 ?? 8 is very "strong" and I'm less nervous when working on it, but, if I can open my file in it, (saved from 8,5) there are parts which aren't rendered...
-and 2: I don't remember, now that I've re installed 8,5, how to install the native content??? thank you for help!
In C.8, You must look in the shader room for the textures with an empty window, C8.5 use by default "Fast MipMap" for the textures maps and it does'nt exists in C8, change it to "Sampling".
For the native content personally, I place it on another HD, but I don't use the DAZ installer.
you may have rigging issues
I found limits not obeyed etc