Morph for fitted clothing?

Seven193Seven193 Posts: 1,111
edited July 2018 in New Users

How would one use Morph Loader Pro to create a morph for clothing that is fitted, like a shirt? Let's say I want to make the sleeves or waist longer, as a morph, so I export the shirt out as .obj file, and make the adjustments.

Problem is, is the morph created before or after the clothing is fitted?
And if the morph is created before it's fitted, doesn't Autofit mess up the morph after the clothing is fitted, since the shape of the clothing has changed?

Post edited by Seven193 on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Are talking about fitting in general or using AutoFit to covnert to another figure? For the latter you should work on the converted item, not the original.

  • Seven193Seven193 Posts: 1,111
    edited July 2018

    Well, the clothing was made for Genesis 3, but I also would like to use it on Genesis 8.

    I tried creating a morph for the clothing before it gets fitted, and I also tried creating a morph for the clothing after it's been fitted.  Both ways failed for me, because of AutoFit I think.  Failed, as in, the entire clothing moves when the morph is applied.  It doesn't stay in place while morphing.

    Post edited by Seven193 on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Was the figure posed or morphed? If so you need to remove the effect of the shaping/posing from the new morph - you do that in Morph Loader pro by expanding the options for the morph file and enabling Reverse Deformations.

    Make sure the preset in the import morph dialogue is the same as the preset in the OBJ export dialogue when you sent the clothing out for morphing - if they don't match you are likely to get unwanted scaling added to the morph (you still need to check this, even if you are also removing morphing or posing).

  • Seven193Seven193 Posts: 1,111

    Thanks.  If all fails, I will probably make the clothing changes permanent instead of trying to morph them.  Much easier.

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