I have NO Clue

I am the very definition of Noobie!!!!

I've never done 3D Artwork... or even Graphic Artwork.  Let alone used a product like this.  So please Please Please.... keep your responses Dumbed Wayyy down :).

So, with that stated; I should begin by stating the reason I'm interested in this (or possibly other simular) applications is for the advertisement of Book Publishing.  In short, I'm hoping to make a YouTube Ad for an Amazon book I'm trying to sell.

Question 1)  Based on the above... am I out of my league with a program like this?

2) Obviously I'm on a bit of a budget (zero fund budget - LOL); but it seems this Free Program (via reading the EULA) is talking about a lot of money... fees... taxes... etc.  So, what does this actually cost?

3) Looking at, what I believe to be 3D Models, (and sorting by price); I've noted a good number of Free Models.  If I used these in my ad can I ... well, I guess the question is:  Can I use these in my ad for free?

4) I suppose the main question is:  How exactly does all of this work?  Not just how to use the app (which I'm sure I'll be posting many questions towards); but this whole Free / Not Free - Copy Right / Royalty Free - Etc. work???

Advanced thanx for any all help provided!!!


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited July 2018


    10   You will never know till you try, and you plenty of stuff with the intial download to experiment with.   Do remember to also download and install the various Genesis Starter Essentials.
    2)   No licenses apart from the standard EULA are needed for you to make 2D images
    3)   Free models downloasded from the Daz Store are subject to the same EULA as paid for items.  However 3rd party freebies are often not allowed to be used in any Commercial project.
    4)   Specifcs can be gone into more once you have taken your first steps and see how it works for you.

    You are in the right forum here,  the New Users section is dedicated to helping Newbies cope with their new software,  so ask any questions that you need to ask.

    Help also available here

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,315

    As Chohole suggested be sure to install all the versions of Genesis Starter Essentials and if you wish to make this a smooth install process I strongly suggest using DIM (Daz Install Manager) Once you get DIM set up you can download everything. It will auto generate everything in your product library.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Some more things to add:

    Free items: There are some free items, and the program is free, but depending on what you are planning to do, you most likely won't get things running on a "zero budget" level - unless you are able to model your own items (Hexagon or Blender are free), or find freebies that allow commercial render usage. You'll also need things like morph packs, unless you don't mind having similar looking characters. Oh, and be very careful about the generations of Genesis, and Michael4/Victoria4, and the even older ones. Because a Genesis 2 pose or character or morph will not work on Genesis 8, and vice versa. So, not every freebie might be useful to your character.

    For book covers, there's this interesting thread: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/57390/book-covers#latest

    There also was a free community webinar run by Digital Arts just his weekend with the topic of book covers; there probably will be another one in a month or two.

    Results - I'm not sure what you are expecting, but be aware that Iray renders will take time, i.e. if you don't have an nVidea craphics card. Also, be prepared for quite some frustrations as you learn the program, because there's no 'instant art button'. Depending on your time frame for production of that book cover, be aware that you probably won't get perfect results after just a few hours.

    Also, it is always a good idea to participate in the New User contents - you don't have to actually submit to the contest, but you'll get help, and the WIP threads of previous contests cover various topics that are useful: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/categories/new-user-contests-and-events

  • Thank you all for your responses... Massive Thanx.  I'm Reading... Clicking... Printing... Downloading... Etc.; and I'm sure I'll be back soon with tons of questions.

    But again... Seriously.... thanks for taking the time to respond; the above is Extremely Helpful to me!!!

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