Bridge exports from D/S x to Hexagon ... pose question.

patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
edited December 1969 in Technical Help (nuts n bolts)

In selecting a posed .cr2 file in D/S3 and shipping it over to Hexagon; it is in zero pose [which is not what I want obviously].

In selecting a posed .cr2 file in D/S4 and shipping it over to Hexagon, it is as posed. :-)

Is there a way to make the bridge in D/S3 ship over "posed" files?



  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    I think that is a function of Morph Loader Pro, which comes free with DS4.6, but was a paid for item in DS3.

    Also in Preferences under Interface, there is an option to show Advanced options for Hexagon or not.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,474
    edited December 1969

    Go to Edit>Preferences>Interface and enable the advanced options dialogue for the Hexagon bridge - though I'm not sure if it offers what you want, I think it does.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    thanks but there's nothing for Hexagon in D/S3 preferences ... interface is just stuff about the "OpenGL" and hardware stuff.

    I did realize that hay! Morph Loader was not displaying [and still isn't] in D/S3 [minor technical difficulties I suspect in trying to run too many on one computer though ?] ... and I did find something to make a shortcut to display the Morph Loader ... but it has nothing for sending stuff out in a pose position.

    Sigh, looks like one is stuck with 'work-a-rounds' to do the task ... one that is getting somewhat comical for the number of work-a-rounds to make it happen.

    On a positive note though, I did discover some more uvmapping tricks for working that pin option in Hexagon.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,474
    edited December 1969

    Edit>preferences>Interface>Bridges>Hexagon>Show Advanced Options.. Then try using the bridge.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    My D/S3 is on another computer ... there is nothing for bridges in that dialogue I assure you. I'm thinking that possibly D/S3 didn't install quite right however this isn't the night to fix it.

    What I can do is export out a posed .obj form ... send the "as it loads" edition over to Hexagon; swap out the .obj forms and send the revised one back and hope it matches.

    I may be good at work - a - rounds; but it doesn't mean I like 'em lol ...

    Pizza arrived ... Have a good weekend folks.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Well, I got the morphs made ... hehehe ... but uh, rather doubt this is what would be called an efficient workflow. Involves both D/S3 and D/S4 and of course Hexagon ... and sometimes the bridge and sometimes exporting out/importing in of the .obj files. The free script for D/S3 enables the making of the inj/rem morphs. Sure would be nice if "something/somehow" could be done so that one could make morphs for legacy items using D/S4.x [you know, just in case some of us would like to retire 3 one of these days].

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,474
    edited August 2013

    Sorry, I missed that you were using DS3. However, I just tried in DS3 and it sent a posed figure over to Hexagon, allowed me to manipulate the mesh, and when I sent it back I got the Morph Loader pro options including reverse deformations.

    Edit: Aha! I had the right tab of the preferences dialogue, but the wrong option name - you want the thing circled here set to the Advanced option.

    569 x 428 - 47K
    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Well, mine doesn't have that. So either my edition is off abit, install went funky, or maybe it came with the "pro" morph loader. I have the basic one. One day when it bothers me enough I might see what I can to get a better installation happening. However the computer this is on; also has D/S4.0 whose days are numbered too so I'll probably wait and do a clean install of all of them.

    I have downloaded the figure tools again as I plan to be reinstalling those later and see if that works as a quick fix.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Morph Loader Pro was a paid for item, and then may have been a part of DS3 Advanced. You need it to carry the pose over to Hexagon.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,474
    edited December 1969

    It is DS3 Pro (or Advanced - I can't recall the exact name but the one with the content creation tools) on my system, so that may well be it.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited August 2013

    It was called D/S3A and yes that is what I have as I wanted the 64bit.

    And the morph loader [which one can buy all by itself] came with the Figure Set-Up Tools.

    And yes it does look like what I'm after is a feature of the Morph Loader Pro ... that came with the Advanced Figure Set-Up Tools which like most beginners, I wasn't about to invest in at the time.

    I know in another setup of D/S3A I have the morph loader showing under Edit ... and it should be but it's not. However it is on board and I now have a shortcut to call it up when I want to use it.

    And this is my little screen showing nothing about Hexagon options ... it does show up in D/S4.0 which is on the same computer and that's where it's more important at the moment so I shall leave that be for now.

    Thank you all for trying to help, much appreciated.

    577 x 615 - 40K
    Post edited by patience55 on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    I finally got morph loader showing in D/S3 ... maybe it was that I needed the 3.1 ... anyway it's now showing :-)

    Doing re-installs and making quite the mess lol ...

    why? glad you wondered? Because the figure skeleton setup went kapooey ... and that's rather essential.

    The panel that should be populated with groups is blank. Stays blank.

    First reinstallation ... whole side of program was 'blank' ... that's scary.

    After fussing some more, got 3.0 at least showing parameters, etc.
    But the scripts by DeltaX15 wouldn't show ... and they did before too so ? is going on ....

    So I let 3.1 remove 3.0 and install itself ... and now DeltaX15's script show and so does the Morph Loader!

    But ... still haven't got the Skeleton Panel to display correctly. [I have a post for this question in the Commons].

    276 x 581 - 36K
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