Need help with morphs for clothing

I have made a long, ankle-length dress for Gumdrops. I would like to add a morph into it that will make the dress "sit" . I have tried following Sickle Yield's tut: Morphing a skirt (DAZ)

It's not working for me.

To use the morph loader, I need to use obj, correct? both the original, unmorphed obj and the morphed obj.

I create the morph this way in Morph Loader, but then I do not know how to save the file. Can someone please give me the complete steps from beginning to end?


  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    I have made a long, ankle-length dress for Gumdrops. I would like to add a morph into it that will make the dress "sit" . I have tried following Sickle Yield's tut: Morphing a skirt (DAZ)

    It's not working for me.

    To use the morph loader, I need to use obj, correct? both the original, unmorphed obj and the morphed obj.

    I create the morph this way in Morph Loader, but then I do not know how to save the file. Can someone please give me the complete steps from beginning to end?

    I don't have Gumdrops ... is this a legacy or triax type clothing piece for Gumdrops?

    In D/S4.x making a clothing morph is the same as making a figure morph. Yes Morph Loader is for loading the morphed .obj "into" the selected target [in default load position].

    I use the Hexagon basic bridge; just bouncing target over, morph it, bounce it back and create the morph. Then save it. File > Save As > Support Asset > something about morphs. This is where there is a problem if it is a legacy file. Doesn't seem to be any way to do that. A suggestion of remaking the .cr2 file did not work. [and if there is, please somebody, we want to know!!!!]

    If you have D/S3 and the free script for making inj/rem poses; that's how and where to make them if it's legacy.

  • edited December 1969

    It is for a legacy file. So if I understand you correctly, then I cannot use DAZ 4.6 to add a morph to clothing? Unless it's a triax figure?

    lol I did try remaking the .cr2 file, and all that did was get rid of my morph.

    I have DS3, but not sure about the free script. Do you have a link to that script?

    I'm not sure how to make a figure morph either. Do you know of a tut for that?

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    It is for a legacy file. So if I understand you correctly, then I cannot use DAZ 4.6 to add a morph to clothing? Unless it's a triax figure?

    lol I did try remaking the .cr2 file, and all that did was get rid of my morph.

    I have DS3, but not sure about the free script. Do you have a link to that script?

    I'm not sure how to make a figure morph either. Do you know of a tut for that?

    Yes ... it'll take me a minute to find it ... I made a tut some time ago but removed it when all the hype was for 'new stuff'.
    It's a little involved making morphs for "other" figures but certainly it is doable.

    Could you PM me a link to where it is one finds Gumdrops? thanks.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    The "bread crumb trail" ...

    One of my threads: click here

    Leads to "click here" which is an archive page.
    One downloads the plugin for their system and program.
    The plugin comes with instructions as to where to put it.
    The additional 'things' will show up under the "Edit" up top of the program.

    Basically one has the "as it loads" figure [whether Gumdrops or dress] and sends it over to Hexagon via the bridge. Morphs it. And then sends the morphed .obj back to D/S via the Bridge. While morphing in Hexagon, D/S is to remain open [just easier this way].
    "make the morph"
    Be sure it's dialed up 100% ... Edit > [something about creating inj/rem] {D/S3 is on other computer ;-) }
    Will get note that one has to create something about channels ... don't worry about ... NAME the 'channel' in that typing area something UNIQUE for you to use. I use my initials CEF_a few numbers or short word, for eg: "CEF_fixElbows".

    Then one has to 'save them' to certain folders. These are all editable in a text editor so not to panic while learning.
    Decide 'where' you want your morph deltas to be. There seem to be 2 major camps on this ... some put them under the Runtime in a folder called Morphs > their handle > their product > etc. I'd suggest putting both the inj and rem deltas into the same folder.
    The actual pose file that the user will see in their program, goes in the Pose folder in the Runtime ... again ... one decides into which folders ahead of time ... Pose > Handle > [etc].
    I don't recommend putting out shares into any folder that could possibly cause an overwrite error to occur. If we all put out something like Pose > Gumdrops > running fast > well you know what's going to happen lol ...

    As I expect to be working on some legacy morphs this week; I'll see if I can get together a mini-tut for the entire process.

    As to morphing Gumdrops ... I'll check the links and see what I can find out.

  • edited December 1969

    Thank you for the links and all this information! My head is now swimming. lol I'll have to wait until tomorrow to start with a fresh brain. :-) I'll look forward to your mini tut. Again, thanks for all the help!

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    You're welcome.

    yes, good time for a break over here too ... dog seems to think I should feed it ;-)

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Did some digging and found my ol' tutorial. Zipped it up with the morphs.

    And here it is: DA Link

    When you are making such morphs for your own .cr2 items, such as the dress ... the read script(s) can be added directly into your own .cr2 files. Note that anytime you 'resave' your .cr2 file, it will write all that information into the .cr2 file so I'd suggest adding morphs last ... at least until you're sure of all what you want added into it.

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