Goodbye all, and have fun!



  • DimensionTheoryDimensionTheory Posts: 434
    edited December 1969

    DAZ_Jon said:
    Quick question. Been noticing a lot of posts hit "the wasteland" (its the place where all removed posts go) coming from the Carrara forums lately. Sounds like one of the members is being an excessive troll. We're all for freedom of speech and all (minus deliberate advertising for other sites), but the more and more that we see a number of posters where all they seem to contribute is vitriol and stirring up problems, the more I'm inclined to getting a policy in place that will give X warnings and then laying down the ban hammer on people who are technically in the letter of the law (TOS) but not the spirit of it.

    If this forum was also self moderated, what would the communal action be? And if you could pick someone from the Carrara community that specifically had Mod permissions to remove posts or ban troublemakers from this section of the forum, who would it be? We want every part of the forums (except the commons, holy shit that place is ugly) to be a friendly and helpful place for people to share ideas and art, and this community's (being a little more insular than some others) needs is possibly quite different from others, needs some assistance to make it that way, what can we do to help facilitate that?

    edit: put this on the wrong thread

    I'm happy to see that someone was listening, it's good to know that you guys really want this to be a fun place and will do what you can to keep it going that way. I think that one of the active members here having mod permissions would be a good thing, I'd like to add that I think it should be someone who's able to actively listen to those who are involved in these sorts of things. The report button is kind of a one shot deal, there's not a whole lot there to help explain trends in character that add up over longer periods of time. Someone to talk to and hear the points of view members have would help add context to the situations, help resolve the issues rather than just deleting posts. Things tend to fester and get worse when they're not addressed, and mass deletions end up making people feel censored while forcing them to drop it.

  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited December 1969

    Don't go Darty!

    Think of The Millennium Cow!!

    If anybody bothers you that much, either just ignore them or post Cow pictures at them.

    Or both.

    Now everybody hold hands and play nice.

    1024 x 768 - 143K
  • DimensionTheoryDimensionTheory Posts: 434
    edited December 1969

    I seriously thought those were some sort of udder implants at first...

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited December 1969

    I seriously thought those were some sort of udder implants at first...

    cracking up here :)

  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited December 1969

    Well, at least they don't violate any Term Of Service!

    And with that necrotic texture, I guess they would explain that facial expression if they were implants...

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    a very moooving image there Sock.

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    some one say baby !

    1029 x 694 - 181K
  • scottidog2scottidog2 Posts: 319
    edited December 1969

    JoeMamma2000, you have got a wealth of knowledge to contribute to this forum. I have learn from reading some of your posts. We should all be bonding together in the spirit of Carrara so that everyone can either give advice or take advice. Becoming better artists and growing as a person is whats its all about. Don't want to see anyone disappear now that things have calmed down and a peace treaty seems to be in place.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited August 2013
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • ringo monfortringo monfort Posts: 945
    edited December 1969

    Well, it just appears that this forum is being purposefully wrecked. I do not wish to break TOS, so I'll leave at this:
    I will try and help folks in other ways - I'll put some thought into it after I finish settling my Daughter and her newborn in from the hospital. I really enjoyed this place and most of you in it. I will miss it.

    Keep on pushing Carrara in new ways - it likes that!

    Hello Dartanbeck,

    Please stay in the forum community. We need to remain united and in good spirits so we can all build a better community.
    You have been very helpful in the forums and we need more of this in here.

    Stay with us and lets re-build the community.


  • edited December 1969

    Congratulations on your granddaughter, Dart! I hope the birth went smoothly and that everyone is recovering quickly.

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Of all the forums I am on there is only 1 I have some one on an ignore list, just one person.

    DAZ_Jon, well that scares me. I'm one of the few survivors of multiple bannings on DAZ, Not for having a go at other forum members, but simply because of my attitude and calling them like I see them. Right now I am on the edge of yet another simply for being helpful, just not in a DAZ way. But that is another topic I couldn't possibly discuss with out getting banned. :lol:

    Damn Dartanbeck, some one must have really been meanly bad to get your knickers in this sort of twist. I've never seen you mad enough to quit the forum.

    But this isn't this first time for this involving this same individual; I'm sure. This person that seems to get away with stuff that isn't in my nature to do, and assuredly would have gotten me banned the first time I did.

    AAhhh, come on Dartanbeck, you know you love this place and can't stop yourself from being helpful, any more then I can stop from criticizing DAZ ;-)

    I may find your stratospheric UP all the time annoying, but that is simply because it is such a strong counter point to my usual gloom and doom. :cheese: So you have to stay just to balance out my gloom and doom ;-P

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    I seriously thought those were some sort of udder implants at first...


    I did to!

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,803
    edited December 1969

    What kills me is that nobody seems to notice repeated assaults like this:
    ... I'm glad to (finally) see some of your work. ...

    Wow, dude....don't you think that's unnecessarily harsh??............How would you feel if I said that to you? Dismissing all of that work I posted??.......I thought we are here to have fun?................Wow, tough crowd.... :(

    First off, congrats on the new family addition!!!! As to the above; Everyone notices. I'd say you are one of the most positive community members of any of the Daz forums, seriously. I always assumed you had chosen to be so positive as a direct rebuttal to the members who are routinely negative. You can sense there is an imbalance and you do your part to change that. And for that you are loved.

    and the original message that he took the quote from was a compliment on his work. Every time I pay this particular poster a compliment, he blames me for something.

    Yep, noticed that too. For what it's worth I understand your comment to Joe. Joe posts images rarely compared to most other core members, which is a fair description. Joe needs to make up his mind a bit perhaps about feedback. You cant play the "tough guy" and the "sensitive guy" all in the same movie. You cant pride yourself on giving pointed feedback if you cannot accept pointed feedback about your own works.

    On feeling slighted. Interestingly, Joe gave another user a compliment the other day where he basically said that in all the years he'd been visiting the site only 3 people have shown any actual talent....or something along those lines.... which, while very highly complimentary to the target, it comes off as a bit of a slight to the rest of us and hour many hours of rendering and many dozens of posted images. Not that we are seeking Joe's approval in particular. Still, the sensitivity blade cuts both ways. But once again, I think Joe is unaware of how he makes others feel sometimes.

    Not long ago, we finally got this thing back to a point when we could have friendly conversations in here. Bounce our ideas back and forth without being ripped apart with garbage.

    This was possible in large part because of you and your inclusive approach to posts. Don't leave.

    I've decided to rethink this whole leaving thing....

    Right on!

    For what it's worth, I have notified the mods that I am voluntarily deciding to never ever inhabit these forums again. I give you my word you'll never hear from me again.

    I'm sorry for the hatred I have generated in so many here. I wish you all the best.

    I think this was a dignified decision on your part. But like Head Wax, it is not the outcome I would have wanted for you. You and I have always enjoyed a good rapport and I value your insights. I will miss those moments when you were positive and a team player. I'm going to miss your excitement at a really well done Carrara render posted in a thread. There is still so much good to be gained in both directions by having you involved. We all just have to remember to play nicely, even if we have to fake it for the sake of the greater community. You obviously love Carrara and the community and the forums otherwise you wouldn't have been so active over the years. But one might also say you thrive on confrontation, thus your deliberate unwillingness to let things go when it gets too heated....thus leading to the current climate where you feel highly unpopular. Instead of losing an debate here and there, you have instead lost the entire forum community.

    So, take a little break from it all for a few months. During the break think back on it all and ask yourself "were the arguments really worth it?"

    Then, when you are ready...when time has healed a few hurts in all directions...find your way back to us. We are a family. dysfunctional perhaps, but all we really have is each other.

    Best of luck Joe. You will be missed.

  • ringo monfortringo monfort Posts: 945
    edited December 1969

    DAZ_Jon said:
    Quick question. Been noticing a lot of posts hit "the wasteland" (its the place where all removed posts go) coming from the Carrara forums lately. Sounds like one of the members is being an excessive troll. We're all for freedom of speech and all (minus deliberate advertising for other sites), but the more and more that we see a number of posters where all they seem to contribute is vitriol and stirring up problems, the more I'm inclined to getting a policy in place that will give X warnings and then laying down the ban hammer on people who are technically in the letter of the law (TOS) but not the spirit of it.

    If this forum was also self moderated, what would the communal action be? And if you could pick someone from the Carrara community that specifically had Mod permissions to remove posts or ban troublemakers from this section of the forum, who would it be? We want every part of the forums (except the commons, holy shit that place is ugly) to be a friendly and helpful place for people to share ideas and art, and this community's (being a little more insular than some others) needs is possibly quite different from others, needs some assistance to make it that way, what can we do to help facilitate that?

    edit: put this on the wrong thread

    About 3 years ago I was the moderator of both the Carrara and hexagon forums after the forum changes my moderator power were gone. :) I have been to long with Carrara.


  • GrimmvaldGrimmvald Posts: 65
    edited December 1969

    I followed and participated in the Carrara forum for several years. Then I've been off doing photography for the last two years. Since I'm considering some 3d art again - and combining it with digital pictures that I take ... I've started following the forum again.

    So .... nothing has changed .... sadly. I'll make an observation ... by analogy, the largest, most complete library in the whole world has little value if there is no user-friendly way to access the information in it. And I'll state the obvious ... it is time to take Joe up on his offer. Just observations since about 2008.

    Please take your own advice. It's for the common good.

    Ban me if you want ... I'll keep doing my photography anyway. And it's time anyway to consider if Carrara .. great program that it is ... is going to get enough support from DAZ to be a competitive program. May be time to look at other platforms.

    Just my opinion of course ... but it's time to quit ignoring the obvious.

  • scottidog2scottidog2 Posts: 319
    edited December 1969

    Carrara community is a very small community compared to other software such as Daz studio or Poser. Even the loss of one member is a big blow. we all have a common interest to see Carrara grow and give us the tools for our artistic pursuits.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    I'll speak to the Carrara issue:

    I wouldn't give up on Carrara as a platform. The release of C8.5 is imminent, and there's some interesting developments with plugins for Luxrender (or whatever it's name is). I don't think Carrara is ending anytime soon. I think it was delayed a bit by unfortunate economical events that hurt everybody, not just individual consumers. Then there's the whole thing with Genesis support, yada, yada, yada. The point being, there are many mitigating factors which caused the delay, but delayed is not dead.

    If every Mac user had bought into the whole Apple is dead gloom and doom back in the '90s, then Apple would be dead. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. If you like or love the program, and want to see it grow stronger, then support it. Tell other about it. You can still be honest and about it's trials and tribulations, but still extol it's virtues, such as the feature set, the renderer, cost versus other applications with the same or nearly the same set of features, etc. etc.

    The biggest seller of course is the renders. This is one area that could be comparatively cheap to do, and that is to set up a gallery page. Not just for Carrara, but their other software as well. They used to have one.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Carrara community is a very small community compared to other software such as Daz studio or Poser. Even the loss of one member is a big blow. we all have a common interest to see Carrara grow and give us the tools for our artistic pursuits.

    As the past couple days has shown us: Negativity breeds negativity. That's all I'll say.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited August 2013

    @ Dart: Please don't leave. I'm just getting things squared away so I can seriously work with Carrara. I don't post renders because I've never made any. Your enthusiasm buoys me and inspires me to learn this mysterious, superb program. I miss Andy so much. We can't lose you too.

    When did you get old enough to have granddaughter and where are her pictures? I am wondering how I got old enough to have a great-grandbaby, due in February. To me, my grandson is still the little boy I enjoyed taking care of years ago.

    @Joe: Go ahead and take some time off. Perhaps you can busy yourself making lots of renders. Many of us have requested to see renders from you.

    Carrara and this community will survive. With the new release coming in the near future, I want this forum to grow even more.

    Peace and love to all,

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969


    The biggest seller of course is the renders. This is one area that could be comparatively cheap to do, and that is to set up a gallery page. Not just for Carrara, but their other software as well. They used to have one.

    Galleries are being constructed, will be arriving at some time in the not too distant future.

    we are steadily making our way on getting things the way they should be as well while still working on rolling out new site features people have been asking for such as galleries, which are coming back only a whole lot better ("soon").

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Ahh, but will I be able to post my topless body builder babes? :cheese:

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:

    The biggest seller of course is the renders. This is one area that could be comparatively cheap to do, and that is to set up a gallery page. Not just for Carrara, but their other software as well. They used to have one.

    Galleries are being constructed, will be arriving at some time in the not too distant future.

    we are steadily making our way on getting things the way they should be as well while still working on rolling out new site features people have been asking for such as galleries, which are coming back only a whole lot better ("soon").

    Hey, that's great news about the galleries! Thanks for the info. Chohole.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,336
    edited December 1969

    We don't have a time frame when its gonna happen but it is going to happen.

  • DAZ_JonDAZ_Jon Posts: 582
    edited August 2013

    Don't want to derail the thread, but just for a bit of info...

    ManStan said:
    Ahh, but will I be able to post my topless body builder babes? :cheese:
    Actually, yes. There are flags for level content for images so people won't see things they don't want to. We're still solidifying what to call them (we're thinking of either "Family Safe", "Not Family Safe", "Adult Only" or "G", "PG", "PG-13", "R", "X", so details like that are still being finalized).

    We don't have a time frame when its gonna happen but it is going to happen.

    It is coming soon. We're pushing really hard on the web side to finish it up and we're starting beta testing this week. Depending on how that goes and when we can fit it in the marketing calendar, as I don't want its launch to interfere with any of our PAs big releases that are in the works, it might be as early as this month, maybe into next. We aren't going to release a half functional or broken gallery system that doesn't have enough infrastructure behind or not properly functionally and load tested to where it crashes when around only a trickle of real traffic hits it like we've seen happen with other systems and sites both here and elsewhere in this industry.

    On the other topic at hand... what can Daz do to help this community keep this forum a place that you guys want it to be? And if you guys wanted additional moderators for this particular forum to make sure that it keeps the tone you want, who would they be?

    Post edited by DAZ_Jon on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited December 1969

    Dart, please don't go, we need your contributions, your knowledge and your endless enthusiasm. I personally don't want to see ANYONE leave this forum, I just want everyone to play nice. I also had a post removed from the thread you were talking about, I didn't think it was at all personal or negative, but hey, we carry on, life's too short to worry about stuff like this. And as you well know from your personal life at the moment, there are bigger and more wonderful things in life!

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited August 2013

    I don't know what to tell you there. I personally don't want my moderation to be any heavier :lol: Hell, it's real hard to be me and not be tip toeing on thin ice around here as is ;-P

    Now, see what you did there, you got me all off topic.

    And 3DAGE too.
    Not to mention quite a few other names I recognize as old core carraraests. I'd pop some names up, but I'm doing good to remember my own name from day to day. :red: I know them when I see them though :coolsmile:

    Post edited by ManStan on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    DAZ_Jon said:
    Don't want to derail the thread, but just for a bit of info...

    ManStan said:
    Ahh, but will I be able to post my topless body builder babes? :cheese:
    Actually, yes. There are flags for level content for images so people won't see things they don't want to. We're still solidifying what to call them (we're thinking of either "Family Safe", "Not Family Safe", "Adult Only" or "G", "PG", "PG-13", "R", "X", so details like that are still being finalized).

    We don't have a time frame when its gonna happen but it is going to happen.

    It is coming soon. We're pushing really hard on the web side to finish it up and we're starting beta testing this week. Depending on how that goes and when we can fit it in the marketing calendar, as I don't want its launch to interfere with any of our PAs big releases that are in the works, it might be as early as this month, maybe into next. We aren't going to release a half functional or broken gallery system that doesn't have enough infrastructure behind or not properly functionally and load tested to where it crashes when around only a trickle of real traffic hits it like we've seen happen with other systems and sites both here and elsewhere in this industry.

    On the other topic at hand... what can Daz do to help this community keep this forum a place that you guys want it to be? And if you guys wanted additional moderators for this particular forum to make sure that it keeps the tone you want, who would they be?

    Hello Jon,
    it's great to read this information. If you don't mind a little input regarding the ratings for mature content, the old TOS banned full frontal nudity. Breasts/Chests were okay, as well as buttocks if I recall correctly. Genitals were banned and sex acts were banned. So in my opinion, ratings such as, "X," would probably convey the wrong impression about the image. What the old forums had were filters for Violence, Nudity, Controversial, etc. I think those seem like pretty informative, yet neutral names for them. You could even choose multiple filters and I believe the tags were displayed.

    You could also tag and filter threads and individual posts that way. So, let's say someone has a rant about something, they could tag the thread as controversial. If people didn't want to see threads with that tag, then they could set their filter to not display those. The same with posts within a thread that were tagged also wouldn't display. I actually miss that system, as it allowed for some self moderation on the part of the poster, by making him or her think about what they were saying, and choosing an appropriate tag, and on the part of the reader, in that if someone wanted to just come here and get help or share tips, then they could just set their filter to ignore controversial threads, or threads with nudity. Of course, the weakness was that you could post without any tags selected and if it contained imagery that the TOS deemed tag-worthy for nudity, the thread/post could be moderated or removed.

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I need that under my icon "controversial" :lol:

    But I agree, no reason to get too carried away with a ratings system, the old tags worked well.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:
    I don't know what to tell you there. I personally don't want my moderation to be any heavier :lol: Hell, it's real hard to be me and not be tip toeing on thin ice around here as is ;-P

    Now, see what you did there, you got me all off topic.

    And 3DAGE too.
    Not to mention quite a few other names I recognize as old core carraraests. I'd pop some names up, but I'm doing good to remember my own name from day to day. :red: I know them when I see them though :coolsmile:

    Ah poor Stan

    480 x 640 - 164K
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