Just getting into the SDK, confused already

Hi Guys :)

Hope you are all having a good day.

I'm not new to visual studio, do a lot of c# work in the office (I say a lot, it's my sole job :))

I'm slightly confused with the SDK though, the information I've found is vague.  Well vague to me, C++ peoples probably understand totally :)

Anyway I creted a new win32 dll project etc, then got stumped about adding the various libraries etc.  If anyone can point me at a tutorial, or some information somewhere on getting me going I'd appreciate it.

I'm unsure about installation of the SDK, where it needs to be installed, if anywhere or if I'm just doing something plain wrong.

Once I get a project going and all requirements are added I'll be away :) The rest of the object model looks good, or at least something I'm familiar with :)

Yours confusedly

John :)


  • OK I think I'm slightly further forward :)  Not sure I've added the bin folder to the right spot yet :D


    vs2012 add ds sdk.JPG
    867 x 624 - 93K
  • That seems to be working, can't build the project though, getting an error.  Doesn't look like the SDK, perphaps a windows thing.  Searching for a fix :)

    build error.JPG
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  • surrealsurreal Posts: 161

    The best start is to simply build one of the samples included in the SDK. Build them inplace don't try to relocate the sample's folders until you know what needs to be changed in the sample files.

    When you have one or more of the samples working, from there your next step could be to modify one of the samples by modifying or replacing the sample function code.


  • surreal said:

    The best start is to simply build one of the samples included in the SDK. Build them inplace don't try to relocate the sample's folders until you know what needs to be changed in the sample files.

    When you have one or more of the samples working, from there your next step could be to modify one of the samples by modifying or replacing the sample function code.


    That is me building the samples :)  I'm trying to get that going as a start


  • surrealsurreal Posts: 161
    edited August 2018

    Sorry from the information that you attached from the w32_DSPlug Property Page I assumed that you had tried to create something from scratch.

    It looked nothing like the Scene Information Pane Property Page sample.

    A bit of a browse on the internet for error MSB6006 would lead me to believe that one (or more) of the directories you have specified in the configuration is not correct. By the look of your property page you have manually changed all the automated linkages defined in the sample and added in a lot of most likely unnecessary ones. So you may have some difficulty finding which ones are incorrect. 

    What do you see in the Output window of VS when you try to build the sample?


    It may pay you to reload the samples, they should build straight out of the box without any modification.

    If you are used to C# the first thing I would ask is, have you got C++ libraries loaded?   (in your VS installation).

    Post edited by surreal on
  • surrealsurreal Posts: 161

    "Anyway I created a new win32 dll project etc, "   ????

    Try opening the \DAZStudio4.5+ SDK\samples\Samples.sln      project file and build one(or all) the samples from there.

    By "the information I've found"  I assume that you mean the  \DAZStudio4.5+ SDK\docs\index.html    documentation for the SDK.

  • Thanks for the guidance :) I did that and sadly the problem remains.  Witha  few extra issues.

    It's distinctly possible I need to start from scratch.  It's possible (probably that I've overcomplicated things and gone insane :))

    Is there an install guide for the SDX, where to inzip to etc, etc.

    Thanks in advance

    John :D

  • I do have the c++ libraries installed, but I did an update and repain on VS2012 anyway :D


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  • surrealsurreal Posts: 161
    edited August 2018

    The SDK does not need to be installed. It is just a set of resource files that your project will call on.

    The sample projects are configured to expect to find the SDK resources via a relative path from the project file's folder   


         Configuration Properties - C/C++ - General - Additional Include Directories ..\..\..\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)

         Configuration Properties - Linker - General - Additional Library Directories ..\..\..\lib\$(Platform);%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)

    The DAZ Install Manager should put the SDK(including samples) in your default content path. If you move(or copy) the SDK folders or put the project file in a different folder you just need to make sure that the SDK files can be found by the project.  (i.e. move/copy the whole  \DAZStudio4.5+ SDK folder and all its subfolder together thus you don't need to change the relative path directive)

    If you move the SDK resource files or the sample project file into a different relative folder arrangement then you need to change the sample project configs', either using different relative paths or replace the relative path directives with an absolute paths. 

    I don't understand why you have put the DAZStudio4.5+ SDK folder path in your VC++ Directories. Have you moved/copied the sample project file folder and the samples subfolders into a different folder arrangement from the SDK, and thus the relative path ..\..\..\include and ..\..\..\lib$(Platform) no longer works to enable getting from project folders to SDK resource folders?

    The errors image you attached indicates that your sample projects can not find the include folder of the SDK  (i.e. your Configuration Properties - C/C++ - General - Additional Include Directories     is incorrect in each sample project).


    There is a lot of information on the SDK and its files in the   \DAZStudio4.5+ SDK\docs\index.html    documentation. There is also a lot of information in past posts of this forum. Unfortunately both do tend to expect the user to have some knowledge of C++.



    Post edited by surreal on
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