"How To" for Head Wax - Iron Lung Challengers
Here are some "How To" questions that would be helpful for me.
The first is a basic "How To" question. What is the best way to get "Sveva" style great skin and lighting renders for V4 fem models in Carrara. I have Poser 9 and I find that "Sveva's" lighting and skin settings are the best for what I am looking for in Poser. Not super photorealistic, and not Toonish, but some somewhere in-between. So how do I replicate those kind of settings in Carrara? I have made some tests, and got some good results but there are details like getting the facial features to look as good in Carrara as they do in Poser.
Then there is getting the slight body distortions fixed. There are the Perfect Body series add-ons for Poser that fix arm, leg, etc. distortions but is there anything like that for Carrara? The "read me" file in Perfect Body says that it will not work in Carrara.
The second "How to" is, how do I use the voice plugin correctly which is called Mimic I think. I attached a snap from an old horror film that begins with a talking head floating about inside a crystal ball on a tabletop. Maybe you could use something like that to demonstrate and explain how I can get a human character to speak.
Disclaimer - in general, I do not pursue photo-realism and therefore am not a particularly good source for information on shader settings.
With that said, I have a discussion of adapting genesis figure skin maps for use in Carrara. Start at the following comment and then scroll down for about a half dozen posts.
Ha ha thanks for those suggestions.
I know a lot about nothing and even less about everything.
On your questions .... I have no idea maybe someone else could help. :)
For faces I'd keep in mind the value of post work. Specifically use a colour paramter in a layer and add redness to cheeks and tip of the nose -
greeny blue to the jaw for men.
For question 1) I'd suggest looking at somone like Vyusur or Evil's renders. You should be able to apply what they know to any figure.
For question 2) BooksbyDavid was the pro https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/6337/experiments-with-the-perfect-fixes-for-v4
and also https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/7619/xandm-perfect-victoria-complete-morphs-and-glute-morphs-fenric-s-script-tool
Question 3) Sci Fi Funk is the man. https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/36928/how-to-use-mimic-pro-for-carrara-effectively-tutorials
hope this helps - I have other How To's planned - by necessity they are short and sweet and simple :) Mainly aimed at common tasks that new people might find difficult.
EP did a free procedural skin shader as well - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/46128/new-carrara-freebie-procedural-skin-shader
This might be of interest as well - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/61910/how-to-make-v4-m4-full-body-mats
thanks Bunyip02 :)
Thanks Ted, sorry just saw your post!!
Thanks, Bunyip and Headwax.
Jonstark also gave some advice for skin shaders. I don't have the link but I do have some saved excerpts.
Sorry, there was more but this is all I have saved. It is missing the discussion of diffuse, highlight, specular, and bump for skin. The following is from Jonstark
thanks again Diomede :) Pity JonStark has faded waway
Diomede and head wax
Thanks for the help.
I have been sick from the humidity out here, wandering about my house like an animated vegetable and barely able to think and concentrate on anything. Weird weather for this dry area that has swamp coolers on rooftops.
What ever happened to Jon Stark? He was planning to add a large series of free dynamic hair models based on his discoveries. So where are they? Did he move on to Lightwave, or 3DMax and abandon us to the "machinations" of Daz3d and their Iron Lungs.
Jon is just being quite. The forum was a battlfield a few years ago and we lost a few brilliant users
It is not frequent, but Jonstark has popped in from time to time. His dynamic hair tutorials are excellent.
head wax , "The forum was a battlfield a few years ago and we lost a few brilliant users"
A battlfield? Was it a "flame-war"with people tearing each other to pieces, or just a polite squabble over difference of opinion concerning Carrara's merits?
Oh no, there are many people in the world, all of them different ...
We were the most moderated forum on Daz for a while :)
Ah best to leave it at that